Chapter 7:Keep the musical posivity in check

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The girls and Kumagawa were at a cafè making plans. Twilight bumped into Flash and began to talk with him. The group watched on.

Kumagawa:[She digs him.]


Twilight came at the table. Rarity spoke of the elephant in the room.

Rarity:Don't even think about it. You're already running for the crown. God knows what Sunset would do if you began to date her ex-boyfriend.


Rarity:He broke up with her a few weeks ago.

Fluttershy:It's a miracle she didn't do anything awful to him by now.

Twilight:Or she doesn't yet have the power to.

Kumagawa:[She has chances, tough. Everything the students know about you it's that you act like a horse.]

Rarity:I got it!

Rarity's scream was clear to the group. And everyone else in the cafè.

Rarity:Hehe, we can use the wandercolt get up.

She took out cosplay horse ears and tails.

Rarity:It was a trend when we were little. Well, a lot of things changed from then. But we're still all Canterlot's wandercolts.

Kumagawa:[Or we could use torture. You'll be surprised how much you can do to a human body with a spoon. Unfortunately, the luch hall run out of them and now we have just spooks. But I can manage.]

Twilight:Uh, let's try Rarity's idea.

Next day at the lunch hall the girls all had the wandercolt get up. They started singing and dancing.

Kumagawa needed to hold his stomach back. All this posivity and hope was making him nauseous.

Than won Twilight the attention of the school. Unfortunately Sunset had a plan of destroying the dancing room, wich was really just the gym, and blame it on Twilight.

It was a pretty good plan really. That is, if Kumagawa didn't show Luna a disc with proofs agains of the accusation.

Kumagawa:[Good news. Your good to g-

But he stopped when he saw the view. Twilight and Flash extremly close, both embarassed.

Kumagawa:[Well, it looks like you two developed. You crazy kids have fun.]

He closed the door and took off. Most people wouldn't be so calm, but he needed to deal with Medaka's exhibitionism through middle school and his time at Hakoniwa. He just know she's secretly a pervert.

Twilight needed to hurry to the girls, because of her problem with time. She was in the dressing room, with no idea of what to do.

Spike:Why don't you just tell them.

Twilight:It's not that easy Spike.

Kumagawa:[I disagree.]

Spike and Twilight almost had a heartstroke at Kumagawa who suddenly appeared in the dressing room.

Twilight:Would you stop that!

Kumagawa:[No. And why are you so worried. If you tell them, you'll have a slightly better chance of not lossing the magic elements and begin stucked here for half a year. You literaly have nothing to lose anymore.]

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