Chapter 13:Music and minus music

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The song was finished and the girl's were exercising in Applejack's barn. The results were less than favorable.

Alright, it was a complete disaster. Kumagawa couldn't decide what was worse. The posivity of the song or the ear rape. Poor Mack also needed to listen to it.

Twilight:Well, was it good?


Kumagawa:[It did awaken a wish within my soul.]


Kumagawa:[Yeah, I wish I could die.]


Kumagawa:[Well, we should go, or else we'll be late.]

Rainbow:He's right!

The girls began to run. Of course, when they arrived Kumagawa was already there.

Sunset:Seriously, how are you alwais doing that?

Kumagawa:[Now, now Sunset-chan. A boy needs to have his secrets.]

The battle began. The first were Snips and Snails who were raping.

Kumagawa:[This is the worst rap I ever heard. It's even worse than when Zenkichi-chan tried it.]

Mukae:Zenkichi-kun? What happened?

Kumagawa:[We promised to never talk about that day.]

The next were the dazzlings. A fresh negative song for Kumagawa's health.

Gagamaru:Under their spell, huh? Well, It certanly looks like these normals are.

Kumagawa:[Even if your not hipnotized, you kinda want to watch them with moves like that.]

Saki:Tch, doesn't matter. It's our turn anyway.

Shibuki:You said it, sister. Let's show them how minuses rock!

Kumagawa's band entered on the podium. They were named Minus King.

Gagamaru was in his punk persona at the ekectric guitar and Shibuki at a regular guitar. Saki was at the drums. Mukae wascat piano. And Kumagawa was singing.

They began their song. Murder Melody.

Everyone clapped at the end. The three sirens were with their jaws dropped.

Aria:Alright, I admit. He's good.

Adagio:That, he is.

Now it was the Rainbooms's turn. It was not the best spectacle.

The girls were arguing, making that green smoke that was absorbed by the sirens. He knew it. the sow was coming at a close. His smile widened in excitment.

Kumagawa:[Oh, I'm gonna have so much fun playing with you!]

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