Chapter 2:Two magic arrivals

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Kumagawa got accustomed with the school. It wasn't too bad, though their rooms, facilities and study material was much inferior to the likes of Suisou and Hakoniwa.

Well, in their defense it's almost impossible to match with schools who manage to observe abnormals. Plus, even some normals there are above the cut.

He even managed to make friends, he thinks. It was still a new concept to him.

From the entire school, his favorite person is Pinki. He didn't ever suspect to get along with such a happy person, but their kinds of crazy looks to work good together.

He did like Sunset too. He especialy liked to annoy the hell out of her. Her reactions were almost as funny as Medaka's.

He's not sure why, but today something is different in the school coutriyard. Oh, it's probably just the glowing horse statue.

It's pretty probable for something to be transpoted through it. At this thought, Kumagawa could just pray.

Kumagawa:[Please be an entity of pure chaos and madness! Please be an entity of pure chaos and madness!]

He was throughfully dissapointed. In the place of his wish, was just Twilight Sparkle.

 In the place of his wish, was just Twilight Sparkle

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And her dragon, now turned dog, Spike.

And her dragon, now turned dog, Spike

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Twilight:Spike, are you a dog?

Spike:I think so. But I have no idea what you are!

She took a look at herself. Specificaly her nose and limbs. She screamed to the sky, in terror.

Well, this is shaping to be less boring. The single things he knows up to this point is that he has really strong lungs.

Kumagawa:[How about you calm down?]

Twilight:Did...did you hear me?

Kumagawa:[Yes. Most likely all Alaska heard you too. Now how about telling me what's the big problem.]

Twilight looked at Spike with an unsure look. He simply shrugred.

Spike:Eh, he already knows I can talk. What's the worst that can happen.

Twilight:You might not believe me. But I'm a princess from a pararell universe where magic exists. My crown was stole by Sunset Shimmer and brought here so she can unleash it's power and take control over this world! And somehow she managed to set villages on fire and make a lot of pony give up hope and go mad!

He listened to every word she spoke. Memories began to resurface through his brain.

Kumagawa:[Hi, bacon girl! What are you doing?]

Sunset:Ugh, not that is any of your bussiness, but I have a very important mission.

Kumagawa:[Which is?]

Sunset:To steal a powerfull artifact from a pararell world.

She didn't think he would believe her. But in the next moment he had a giant bag and was wearing clothes like he was going on a vacantion.

Kumagawa:[Say no more, buddy bud! Ohhh, can I take souvenirs.]

Also, the burning and going mad with lose of hope was his doing. He couldn't help himself! He was trying to be better, but he was still a minus. He simply couldn't say no to the sudden impulse to destroy. It was in his very nature.

Kumagawa:[I believe you. It should be somewhere in the school. Come on.]

They entered the school and the first thing they saw was Sunset with Fluttershy. They were not having a friendly conversation.

Sunset:Why did you take it!

Fluttershy:W-well, I didn't know what it was, so I gave it to the principal.

Sunset:Well, you shouldn't take what doesn't belpng to you!

Fluttershy:It wasn't yours either.

Sunset:What was that!? Speak louder! With that tone, it's no surprise your only friends are strays.

Fluttershy:M-misogi isn't a stray!

Sunset:...No, but I'm begining to believe he is the devil.

Twilight:You can't speak to her like that!

They turned to see Twilight and Kumagawa. Sunset's eyes narrowed at the minus.

Sunset:Ugh, great! Now I summoned Satan.

Kumagawa:[Heyo, Sunset-chan! Still acting like a bitch to hide your insecurities?]!

Kumagawa:[Look at her. Being all tsundere.]

He petted her head, making her growl. She hit a wall in frustration, not fourseeing the surge of pain which followed.

Sunset:Alright, I need to go to the infirmery right now. But we're not done here.

Kumagawa:[Isn't she adorable?]

She leaved. Twilight directed her attention towards Fluttershy.

Twilight:Are you alright?

Fluttershy:Y-yeah. Thanks Misogi.

Kumagawa:[No problem.]

Fluttershy:How cute!

Fluttershy imediatly fawned over Spike. She held him, tightly.

Fluttershy:Don't you wish you could understand what they're saying.

Twilight:Well, usually he just tells me.

Fluttershy had a confused expresion. Fortunately, Kumagawa made a lie on the spot.

Kumagawa:[Through her heart.]

Fluttershy:O-oh, you know the school doesn't allow pets? Y-you should hode him in your rucksack. That's what I do.

She opened her rucksack revealing various pets. Through them was akso the bunny.

Kumagawa:[Just like my plush bunny. I miss Mr. Murder.]

Twilight:...Why would you name your bunny Mr. Murder?

Kumagawa:[No particular reason.]

Twilight:Anyway, you said something about a crown.

Fluttershy:Y-yeah. This morning it fell from the sky and hit me. I didn't see ot before so I gave it to principal Celestia. 

Twilight:I see. Thank you, Fluttershy.

Fluttershy:H-how do you know my name?

Twilight:Uh, Kumagawa told me!

Fluttershy:I-i see, well I must be going. Bye, Misogi!

Kumagawa:[Well then, to the principal's office!]

He took onward. But then stopped and walked the opposite direction.

Kumagawa:[Wich is this way.]

He didn't really keep in mind it's position exactly. But in his defense, he never really cared for authorithy.

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