Chapter 10:Minus band

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Least to say, the girls were more then suspicious about the sirens. So they decided to get it to principal Celestia.

Kumagawa was also with them, with his new outfit. He needs to look like a teenager emo if he's gonna be a rocker.

 He needs to look like a teenager emo if he's gonna be a rocker

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Sunset:Alright, they clearly use some sort of magic.

Kumagawa:[Well, the green gas was a dead giveaway.]

Sunset:Wait, when did you change? Killer jeans by the way.

Kumagawa:[I do a lot of things without you girls observing.]

They arrived at the office at last. There were Celestia and Luna.

Rainbow:Alright, the new girls are using dark magic stuff.

Celestia:Magic? I find that hard to believe. Those three girls talked with me not long ago and they were lovely. In fact they gave me the idea to transform the competition in a battle of the bands.

Luna:Maybe Sunset Shimmer is trying to move the attention to someone else to make people forget about her formal misfits.

Kumagawa:[Wow, she's more bitchy than usual.]

Rainbow:But she's not. You need to believe us.

Celestia:But isn't your band also participating?

Rainbow:Well, uh, yeah.

Luna:Maybe your just afraid of an embarassment.

Kumagawa:[Like your dating history.]

Luna ran out of the office, crying. Kumagawa Misogi, making adults cry from when he was four.

Celestia:That was mean. Now I'll need to drag her out of the house.

Kumagawa:[Meh. By the way, can my band compet now?]

Celestia:Well, it is a battle, so sure.

Kumagawa:[That took less harassment than usual.]

They were now outside the school at the formal portal. Kumagawa was having Rarity paint his nails blue.

Rarity:You're really getting in the rockstar look, darling.

Kumagawa:[Yeah, I wanna look the part. Oh, cool, they're here.]

A black car parked in front of the school. From it came Kumagawa's band members.

First came out the rotten, but sweet yandere Emukae Mukae.

First came out the rotten, but sweet yandere Emukae Mukae

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Then two people came at the same time. The bipolar damage transferer Choubusaki Gagamaru and the scar freak Shibushi Shibuki.

 The bipolar damage transferer Choubusaki Gagamaru and the scar freak Shibushi Shibuki

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And at the end came the star puppeter herself Sukinasaki Saki.

And at the end came the star puppeter herself Sukinasaki Saki

Oops! This image does not follow our content guidelines. To continue publishing, please remove it or upload a different image.'re the leader of the Kioterae!

Saki:You don't say. Aren't you a lively consumer.

Pinkie:As expected of Misogi!

Gagamaru:It has been some time, Kumagawa-san.

Shibuki:Yo, boss!

Mukae:It's lovely to see you again, Kumagawa-kun!

Kumagawa:[Hello everyone. I'm glad you could all make it.]

Saki:Tch, whatever! I just had some free time, that's all.

Sunset studied her. From the red in her checks it's clwar that was a lie.

Sunset:So, that's why he alwais called me a tsundere. Wait, I got it!


Sunset:I still got a book conected to Equestria. I can use it to contact princess Twilight!

She ran off. They began to look around and meet with flash.

Flash:Well, look who's here.

Kumagawa:[The greatest minus of all?]

Flash:Oh, you think you're sooo cute.

Kumagawa:[Yes, I do think that.]

Flash:Well, let's not forget the Fall Formal. You really looked like you enjoyed that violence. You're not as innocent as everyone thinks you are. You're a real freak.

Kumagawa:[...Wow, this magic actually gave you a brain.]

Pinkie gasped and pointed her finger at Flash.


But it did not get him much of a brain. He did not just insult him in front of his friends, but in front of his minus friends as well. One which cares deeply for him, even if she doesn't want to show it. And three which practicaly worship him.

Mukae:What a lovely guitar. Oops.

She touched his guitar, making in root. The gooey remains made him fall on his ass. 

Saki hit his two bandmates with plates, taking control them. They began to stomp on him, provoking him physical and emotional pain.

Saki:What a great comaradery, ey?

Shibuki:Oi, Gagamaru. This guy has a lot of nerves to insult Kumagawa-senpai.

Gagamaru:You're right, Shibuki-san. Even though he doesn't even have the right to breath in his presence.

He cahnged his hairstyle, making him look like a deliquent.

Gagamaru:Oi, toothbrush head! You really think you can get away this easy, huh!?

Flash took his guitar case and hit him in fear. But the damage wasn't made to Gagamaru, but to Flash, making him spit blood.

He kicked him away to Shibuki, who had her bat ready.

Shibuki:If you can disrespect Kumagawa-senpai so easily, then why don't you die!?

Any of his wounds he had through his life reapered in a moment. Then he was hit by the bat, destroying the wall and out of the school.

Not one of the girls could find their words. Except Pinkie.

Pinkie:Wow, they're awesome!

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