Chapter 22:I suppose I missed you too

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The horror storytelling was a resounding succes in Kumagawa's opinion. He might have traumatized most of his collective, but that just means his scary story was a terrifyingly good one.

Well, the only one who wasn't scared was Medaka. It's understable, really, there was nothing to be afraid of for neither him or her even if the story was real.

While Kumagawa would be able to manipulate a group of people in doing exactly that, Medaka would be able to save them and help them become better. Like alwais, they balanced each other out.

In that night Twilight had an nightmate, but it was just Midnight again. As alwais, sge was quickly destroyed by a screw and Twilight woke up not long after.

Sunset:Uh...Twilight? I think we need to talk about this.

Twilight looked down to see her bed together with other objects and Spike levitatimg in mid air. Kumagawa was hanging with his legs by her bed and jis head xlose to the ground, very similar with some kind of cute monkey you'd see on TV in Twilight's opinion.

Twilight:No, we don't.

Right as her statement was made everything that stood above the ground meet it once again. As alwais, Kumagawa picked himself up with no sign of being fazed by the crash.

The two managed to get Twilight out of bed after her small panic isolation. They were with the others at the docks.

Sunset:Listen, you need to calm down.

Twilight:How can I?

Sunset:It's not gonna be so bad if you're gonna learn to control it.

Twilight:But that's just it! I'll never be able to control it!

Kumagawa:[Thinking like that will only make things worse, you know?]

Right on cue a boat that was going on the lake crashed into the docks, breaking it and making the two students riding it fall into the remains of the docks. However, they weren't injured in any serious way, just really wet from the water.

Kumagawa doesn't know how it's with magic, but such an excuse wouldn't work for an abnormal. The only one he knew to not really like their skill was Kei, but even he was able to work around it.

Well, it's not like Twilight could really be blamed for wanting to run away. Although a special, she lived a relatively normal life and still dealt with the trauma of Midnight Sparkle, the reason for her nightmares. Even so, she'll eventually need to confront it.

Rainbow:And the docks are ruined now.

Fluttershy:At least these fishies seem to be doing well.

Sunset:Let's salvage what we can from the water and try to rebuild it.

Apple:I don't know if we can...

Rarity:We have to try! The camp needsour runway!


Rarity:Dock. Yes. That's what I meant.

The girls looked down and were ready to advance towards hard work. However, at that very moment all the damage dones to the docks was suddenly undone. The view made Rainbow click her fingers and point at Kumagawa.

Rainbow:I alwais forget about that!

Apple:Yeah. You'd think we'd remember Misogi's most broken ability by now.

Next on the students's list was wall climbing. While Rarity fearfuly climbed the was with Apple holding the rope and Rainbow behind them wabting to climb already, Kumagawa and Medaka watched this unfolding while talking about what went with their lives after the graduation.

Of course, Kumagawa took the chance to brag about his newly aquired Kumagawa Spectre, even though it didn't really do anything new for him and just looked cool. To his ever growing grin, Medaka pouted while he talked about it. However, she got over it quickly and praised his development.

Medaka:I see. I have been a little worried, but you managed to make many bonds to your happiness.

Kumagawa:[Ah, I guess my life might have gotten a lot sunnier. But don't get this the wrong way, I'm still very much the minus you alwais knew.]

Medaka:Ahahaha! Guess I need to be careful or you might end up taking my head!

Kumagawa:[You know it!]

Medaka:Umu, that's fine! Rather, this is how it should be! To this day the moments I fought you are the happiest of my life!

Kumagawa:[Haaah, and to this day you're still such a strange girl.]

Medaka:But magic, huh? Truly, the world is much bigger than most people would suspect.

Kumagawa:[Well, I can afirm that Anshin'in-san's magic skills still far outclasees those.]

Medaka:Plots, epic battles and even gaining the affection of girls...You sure have found adventures to keep you entertained. Anshin'in-san's farwell gift had unlocked that fortune of yours, it seems.

Kumagawa:[It's not like there wasn't anything for you, was it? I heard of your plan of making a new moon. I could take care of it, you know?]

Medaka:I'll have to refuse. Beyond destroying it, the man who has launched ut towards earth was like a second father to me. It was mainly my fault and I need to take responsability for it.

Kumagawa:[I see. Right before my garduation you had quiet the adventure too, haven't you? Miss I Go To Destroy The Moon But I End Up In a War Among Light And Darkness Against The Ruler Of Another Universe?]

Medaka:It was an unforseen interlude, that's all. I'm just glad I arrived in time to witness your speech, Misogi-oniichan.

Kumagawa:[You're still hung up on that, huh? If you'll keep it up with this Kamone-chan and Maguro-chan will get jelous. Well, mostly Maguro-chan.]

Medaka:This is not my fault. You're just too much of a brother type.

Kumagawa:[...You dare use my spell against me, Kurokami?]

The two stared at each other without blinking, but then began to laugh to their hearts content not a second aftet. Ah, he had missed this.

He's very much happy with the affection he was given as of late. However, hus polar opposite is the one taht understands him best even now.

Their attention was taken when they head a scream. Before anyone could notice they reacted, both jumping towards the falling Rarity. While Kumagawa took her in his arms Medaka detached the rope for her to not get tangled, resulting in a safe Rarity with a small blush on her face.

Rarity:Apple, you scared the life out of me!

Apple:I...I'm sorry! I don't know what happened. For a moment you seemed like you were like a feather! Here, let me help you.

Rarity:There's no need!

Rarity rised her hands still a bit agitated, but just wanted to assure her friend she was okay. However, this action led to a oversized diamon projection being shot at Apple, throwing the farm girl into the lake. Fortunately, Apple had not been injured and just soaked in water.

Celestia:What in the world just happened!?

Rarity:Oh dear! I am so sorry...I think. Did I just do what I think I've done?


Medaka:Hm, it seems there us a bit more to this forest then we originally thought.

While those words escaped her lips Medaka's face formed a feral grin. Kumagawa sighed deeply seeing this, which she took notice of immediatly.

Medaka:What's the matter?

Kumagawa:[Now that you know about it you're gonna hog all the fun.]

Medaka:I won't!

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 09, 2022 ⏰

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