Chapter 19:Money are alwais a problem, aren't they?

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In the luxurious house Kumagawa and Hanten were owning a grumpy growl was heard. Aria descended the stairs after waking up to have breakfast.

As usual, Kumagawa and Hanten was already there. She was the first one of her sisters to cone only because she was the least lazy. The only men in the house were having a conversation, in which mostly Kumagawa was the one who was talking.

Kumagawa:[So, yeah. We're gonna have a camp expedition. From what I heard this Everfree Camp does have a great relationship with our school. I made a little research and it's in danger to be closed. And as how things usually are...]

Hanten:There's a chance for magic to be involves.

Kumagawa:[Yep! I'm sure it's gonna be a lot of fun.]

Aria:Ugh, now even a stupid camp has magic!

Her comment has raised no reaction of the two. She supposed it was fair, these two could probably end Equestria individualy.

Kumagawa:[Black cofee?]

Aria:Yes, please. But man, it's like any loser can get magic these days.

Kumagawa settled the cup of black cofee on the table for Aria. The grumpy Siren took a sip and almost spit it out hearing Kumagawa's nect sentence.

Kumagawa:[Like a cheap whore on the Red Light District.]

Aria:That's...a comparasion.

Kumagawa:[Well, I'm off! The girls invited me to hang out at the school.]

Kumagawa waved his hand while marching forward. However, Aria had one last request to make.

Aria:Don't set it on fire!

Kumagawa has meet the girls at their usual room for the Rainbooms. Sunset, Rainbow, Sci-twi and Apple were talking, Pinky was eating cupcakes, Fluttershy was scratching Spike's back and Spike was playing poker with Kumagawa. They were waiting for Rarity as the minus let out another full house.

Spike:Alright, now I know you're cheating.

Kumagawa:[You can't prove anything.]

Spike:...But you're cheating, right?


The door hit the wall as Rarity entered with excitment. Everyone turned to her.

Rarity:Girls, I have the perfect way to get the moment fir Camp Everfree. Buuut...I'll need the money we gathered to make costumes for a dance and music competition.

Apple:And how much is the prize?

Rarity:More than double how much we need.

Rainbow:Eh, seems fair to me.

Apple:Sure, if you're sure this will work.

Sci-twi:Well, if we win than we'll have much more than we need and put the rest to later use, but if we lose than we're gonna be back to swuare one with zero dolars and no chance to gather the money in time. Does anyone else feel like this is a very risky move?

Everyone was looking at her with wide eyes while sweating. The only exceptions were Spike who looked defeated at the ground and Kumagawa who was collecting his winnings.

Sci-twi:...I mean, heh, me neither. Let's go!

Rarity:Oh, this is gonna be amazing! Sour Sweet and her group will participate two. We meet at the mall and talked about it.

Sci-twi:Really? That's really unexpected, they're really competitive.

Kumagawa:[So, you talked with them about your plans of the competition.]

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