Chapter 21:A plant lady is scary? How about a invincible oni?

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The people around the camp stared in confusion at the polar opposites who looked like they were trying to kill each other now having a heartfelt reunion. Although that shock was different between the members of Canterlot and the two siblings.

Timber:That...That really happened, didn't it?

Sci-twi:I never saw anyone matching Misogi like that.

Sunset:Neither did we.

The perfect minus and plus paid no mind to the crowd. They instead emerged in their own conversation.

Kumagawa:[But to think you'd be here. You have work as the principal of Hakoniwa, you know?]

Medaka:Don't worry, I let Hanosode to take care of things.

Kumagawa:[I see. She's your doppelanger appointed by the Shiranui Village, after all.]

Medaka:I was more surprised when I saw you playing student. Although I suppose that's just your style.

Kumagawa:[Haha, I guess you're right.]

Medaka:Did you make friends?

Kumagawa:[Yeah, you could call them that.]

The two stopped their conversation as they saw a black limousine abruptly stopped in the middle of the camp. From it cane out a rich looking man.

The man had blue eyes and black hair slicked back. His name was Filthy Rich.

Gloriosa:Filthy Rich, what are you doing here?

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Gloriosa:Filthy Rich, what are you doing here?

Filthy:Just wanted to see how the camp was. It looks...lovely.

Gloriosa:Well, you can take a look around after.

The two glared at each other, showcasing clear agression. Filthy looked at his clock with a bired face.


He entered back in his limousine and drove off. Gloriosa tried to assure the campers, unsuccesful in tricking Kumagawa and Medaka. The minus went to Timber and took a card.

Kumagawa:[Amethyst? I see.]

Rarity:Blue is one of the colors that go very well with you, darling.

Kumagawa:[That's true.]

Kumagawa, Spike, Sunset and Sci-twi were in their cabine. They were taking their things out of their suitcase and making themselves confortable.

Sunset:Well, this was one hectic day.

Sci-twi:You can say that again. That scene Gloriosa made was weird.

Sunset:And there's Timber, who looked quiet friendly with you.

Sci-twi:He's weird.

Sunset:Yep. And than there's the new counselor.

Sci-twi:She's inspiring, yet terrifying.

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