Chapter 4:The begining of battle

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Twilight and Kumagawa were nou at lunch. Twilight met Fluttershy there and began speaking with her.

Twilight:Hey, Fluttershy. Can you help me with something?

Fluttershy:Sure, what is it.

Twilight:Well, I decided to run for princess of Fall Formal.

Fluttershy gasped and accidentaly dropped her fruit salad on her shirt. He took napkins and began to clean her shirt.

Fluttershy:Oh, I'm so sorry!

Kumagawa:[Eh, at least it's not blood. That thing is hard to clean.]

Twilight:Um, ok? Anyway, why are you so shocked?

Fluttershy:No one ran agains Sunset Shimmer. If you do, she'll do awful things to you. No one even heard of the last girl who tried.

Kumagawa:[Yeah, that's totaly Sunset's doing. No one else. No psichotic mass murder around here, no sir.]

Fluttershy:Plus, you need to make every group to vote for you. The rocksters. The hippies. The geeks. The fashionistas.

Kumagawa:[And Trixie-chan! She doesn't really fit in any group.]

Twilight:Well, I'll do it!

Kumagawa:[Then we should go to gym to officialy put you on the list.]

Kumagawa standed and made his way to the gym, as a sign for her to follow. Of course, after finishing his fruit salad wich he put ice cream and chocolate sauce on.

Twilight:Isn't that too much sugar?

Kumagawa:[You're too much sugar!]

They arrived at the gym. Kumagawa was taken by a feeling of deja vù because the same action when he first arrived at the gym happened.

Kumagawa:[Pinkie-chan is the one responsable for the list.]

Pinkie:You're the one who stand agains Sunset Shimmer!

Twilight:Uh, yeah.

Pinkie:Well, it was the time! She's the mean bullie queen of the mean bullies.

Kumagawa:[Meh, I've saw worse.]

Twilight:How can there be worse!?

Kumagawa:[Is she a blonde narcissist, who thinks everyone and everything should be ruled by him because her existence is like the sun?]

Twilight:Uh, no.

Kumagawa:[Is she a red giant who survived for centuries by switching his soul in other bodies and is the person born to destroy the world?]

Twilight:No, she's not that either.

Kumagawa:[Is she a godlike being older than the universe itself who could swat away gods from entire pantheons without breaking a sweat and constantly trying to kill herself and you need to alwais stop her to the point where you need to rip her face off and seal her away and then when you finnaly manage to stop her suicidal streak she goes and dies to the single being who can kill her, who sge never managed to beat, to save people she shouldn't ever give a shit about, even though she knows she's the single one who ever understood you and ever cared about!?]

Alright, this one came with more emotions than he intended too. But to be fair, leaving that message that she's rotting for him even after that kind of pissed him off.

Twilight:No! No! Why don't we calm down?

Kumagawa:[Is she a narccisistic doctor with a unsettling obsession for his nice derriving from the unsettling obsession for his sister, who set up the moon to come crashing down on earth upon her death?]

Twilight:What the heck!? No!

Kumagawa:[Is she a miss perfect, who thinks she's so human, but in truth she's just as monstrous as her conterpart and turn on her best friend as soon as he makes a slip up and should just get off her pedestal?]

Yeah, he still hated Medaka. Old habbits die hard, he suppose.

Twilight:Ok! Ok! I get the idea! Just stop!

Pinkie:Wow, Misogi! You know so many interesting people.

Kumagawa:[Yeah , I suppose I do.]

Pinkie:Anyway, here's the list.

She tooks out the list from her hair. Kumagawa sometimes wonders if  Pinkie is an abnormal. She sure can stuff a lot of things in her hair.

Twilight sign the list, with her mount. And she's the girl they're supposed to make everyone vote for. Yep, they're doomed.

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