Chapter 16:Just important characters at the finale

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The begining of the games is in fact a get together. Putting two set of students who hate each other with a nigh-immortal virtualy omnipotent psichopatic genius. What could go wrong?

Rainbow:So, let me get this straight. She's not our Twilight?

Kumagawa:[In fact, she's our Twilight.]

Rainbow:But she doesn't know us.

Kumagawa:[Yeah, but she's Twilight-chan of this universe and how we are of this universe, she's our Twilight. Ms. friendship and hope was not.]

Rainbow:...Fair enough.

Cinch was also there with Celestia and Luna, who to Kumagawa looked like they wanted to kill themselfs to not need to hear her anymore. But, her presence was a good thing.

He didn't get to kill anyone for so much time. Sure, she can live through the Frienship Games, but after that it's free game.

She might not be any good to play with, but she's perfect to be disposed of. Everyone in his vicinity did think Kumagawa's happy chuckle was because he was excited for the games. Not even suspecting the twisted thoughts in his mind.

In that time, Sunset was more than a little suspicios of Sci-twi, so she decided to aproach her. Though, she could've been a little more diplomatic.

Sunset:Alright, what you've been up to!?

Sci-twi:I, uh, nothing really!

Indigo:Who wants to know!?

Applejack:Alright, girls. Let's not get too competitive before the games.

Sugarcoat:The Friendship Games aren't very competitive, as we won every time.

Fluttershy:That's not a very nice thing to say.

Sunny:These games aren't about being nice, dearie.

Rarity:Well, you could use some class.

Sci-twi slowly stepped back. But, she met Pinkie in that process.

Pinkie:Hi! I'm Pinkie Pie.

Sci-twi:I'm Twilight Sparkle.

Pinkie shook her hand. With her hyperactivity, who messed Sci-twi hair.

Pinkie:My friend is also called Twilight!


Pinkie:What's that?

Sci-twi:It's a spectometer I created. But it can also captivate phenomens.

Pinkie continued to smile without saying anything. Even Sci-twi with her little socializatin skills could tell it was awkard.

Sci-twi:It measures things.

Pinkie:Ohhh, like the party!?

Sci-twi:Yes. Though, it doesn't look like much of a party.

Pinkie:You're right! Something's missing.

Their conversation was intrerupted by a loud noise. On the podium was Kumagawa with the old good electric guitar.

On his righ, at some distance, was the party ready DJ Pon3.

On his righ, at some distance, was the party ready DJ Pon3

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