Chapter Thirty-One: 1 vs 100

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I honestly thought it was the end. After everything we overcame, all the shit that we went through, I never once believed that the one who will finally put an end to us all was Ariel.

And those were the thoughts that kept going through my mind as Ariel bounded down the stairs in her crimson wolf form, her eyes holding the promise of murder and violence.

The scar she inflicted on my face felt fresh and painful but when I compared it to what's taking place in the present, I rather she inflict thousand scars on my person.

Anything, and I mean anything, was better than her charging towards us as if we were her enemies.

"Run!" Arlo shouted, forcing the others to snap out of their trance. I followed suit, willing my leg to not collapse on me.

Gritting my teeth against the pain searing down my leg, I turned my back on the imposing wolf to find some sort of place to hide.

Of course that was a fatal mistake which I soon learned a second later. Ariel's wolf crashed down hard on my back, forcing me to belly-flop to the floor.

Why out of everyone in the room, did I have to be one taking the brunt of Ariel's anger? I swear I did nothing to wrong her.

"Ariel, please don't," Leon whispered, standing a few feet away from us. I realized that unlike everyone else in the room, the bloodsucker remained rooted in the same position. This idiot.

The wolf was standing on my back, her claws dangerously close to ripping more of my skin. However, it didn't move otherwise and I didn't dare move my head to attract its attention again.

"He's not your enemy, Ariel," Leon continued and from the corner of my eye, I can see the other wolves slowly inching their way back. "None of us are."

If only they saw the crimson wolf in action like I did. If only they saw how she ripped Lucius's father like a shred of paper, the wolves and the bloodsucker wouldn't try to talk sense to her.

She's vicious and if not in control of her actions, practically unstoppable.

But she's still Ariel.

Fuck, I don't know what to think anymore.

"Ariel. I know you're in there," Orion murmured, now standing right beside us. "Come back to us. We love you and you love us, remember?"

From my viewpoint, I couldn't see what the expression was on the wolf's face. But I could see my friends' and they all wore the face of determination. Maybe the wolf is not unstoppable after all. Maybe there is hope.

Or maybe, I'm fucked and this situation is hopeless. I closed my eyes shut, not being able to look at anything anymore. What a stupid life this was.

I didn't dare move a muscle, knowing the smallest movement on my part may very well result in my death. The others remained rooted in their spots, not being able to do a damn thing. I understood the feeling well.

Luckily, somehow the words of my friends registered to her or I must have been blessed by the Moon Goddess today because moments later, she elegantly leapt off my back and landed a few feet away from me.

"Ariel?" Orion murmured cautiously, waiting for her next move.

I forced myself to take deep breaths as I struggled to fight off the black dots that was clouding my vision. I felt fear numerous times in my life, but nothing was more terrifying than the interaction I just had with the crimson wolf.

Have I been spared? Did she decide to take a bite out of one of my friends today instead?

I volunteer Leon.

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