Chapter Twenty One: Six Days Later

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Their names were David and Derrick. David, the older one and Derrick, the kid brother.

Both were young and both were insane.

Rogues, to be more precise. Werewolves who left or were kicked out of their pack due to personal reasons or conflicts within the pack.

How they got here and how they agreed to follow Lucius' sick ideas, I don't know. I don't particularly care either.

What I do care about however, was their reason for being in the basement with us.

Scar-man, Lucius' father, introduced them to us as the Victoran brothers.

Psycho brothers were a better name for them, I think.

They were siblings and their purpose was quite simple here. The minute Ariel falls asleep, they were ordered to execute Trenton with the huge swords that they've strapped to their backs.

Derrick, the younger one, seemed to be the tool in the family. Half the time, he tried to look tough while the other half of the time, he looked sick to his stomach.

It was clear to me that Derrick just followed whatever his older brother said to do like an obedient child.

It was also clear to me that they were completely brainwashed by Lucius because no matter how much we begged and threatened them to help us, they wouldn't listen to one word.

Or more like, David wouldn't listen since all Derrick did was follow his brother around like a lost puppy who wanted his next bone to chew.

I hated them. I hated their weapons, their boss, and how they eyed Ariel like she was a piece of meat. They watched her like a hawk and I caught David's eyes linger a bit too long on Ariel's legs.

They disgusted me.

With our wolves and power, we would have killed them already. Five Alphas, a Vampire prince, and a silver wolf...the chuckle brothers would have been history by now.

However, that wasn't the case anymore. All the Alphas, myself included, were worn down from pain and hunger. Taking these brothers on in a physical fight would only result in a humiliating and painful loss for us.

The Vampire Prince in the mean time was love sick and angry at the moment with all of us now.

And our little silver wolf...

I sighed, pissed at myself for being this helpless.

I read once in the Guinness World of Records that the longest someone stayed awake was around eleven days. During that time, the individual experienced severe hallucinations, numerous headaches, and health problems.

That individual was human and in his teens when he put himself through that pointless experiment. I thought at first that a werewolf, even a child one at that, would have a better chance to stay awake longer.

However watching Ariel right now, it would seem that my theory was far off the mark.

It's now day six into the game and to anyone's eyes, you can tell she was suffering.

A lot.

Her face looked hollow and pale; so pale that at times I have to remind myself that she's alive and didn't turn into a ghost right in front of my eyes.

Her body looked breakable as if she lost half of her body weight in the span of six days.

I wouldn't be too surprised if that was actually the case. These past few days, our Angel could barely eat anything without throwing it all up.

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