Chapter Twenty-Six: I Love You

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"What is this crap?" I scowled down on my naked chest, seeing the number thirty imprinted on my skin in an intricate design. "30? What the fuck did you do to me? And where the hell is Ariel? And for that matter, where the fuck am I?"

Scar-man just watched me calmly as I fired question after question at the bastard. It was strange really. After spending so long in this hell hole, I still didn't know the name of Lucius' father, the man with the ugly scar etched on his face.

"One question at a time boy," Scar-man quipped easily before leaning against the wall in the...honestly I didn't even know what this place was anyways. "Which question would you like me to answer first?"

"Where's Ariel?" I gritted out, worry and confusion twisting inside of me. The last thing I remembered was David trying to hack my arm off with that deadly sword of his. By the time I was coherent of my thoughts, I found myself here in this tomb like death trap, which smelt like someone died in here.

It looked like a cave. A long, dark cave that looked like it had no ending to it. The only source of light was a torch placed on the other side of the wall. It was so dark in here that it was hard to see and this is considering the fact that I was a damn werewolf.

"She's with my son for now," he responded, flickering imaginary dust off his dress pants. "From my understanding, you'll be seeing her shortly."

"What does he want from her?" Anger and worry for my mate collided within me. "Is she hurt?"

"Probably by the time my son is done with her," he said softly. "It was foolish of her to bargain with the book. I don't know how she knew about it but that book will not help her. It won't open to just anyone."

I remained silent because what he was saying was wrong. That book did open. I don't know how though but it did open during our fight with the Sherman brothers.

"What's this number on my chest for?" I asked, changing the subject instead. If they don't know about the book opening on its own, then I'm not going to volunteer any information to him of all people. "You do know I'm still under-aged. I think I need a few more years until I can legally get a tattoo."

Scar man snorted, rolling his eyes upward. "Kidnapping is illegal last time I checked. But yet you're still here, boy."

"Touché," I muttered back, scowling down at the numbers again. "What the hell does this number even mean? The number of girls that broke up with your ugly ass?"

"It's called a Eno," he answered, dismissing my words. "It's a spell that you'll understand soon enough."

"A what?" I narrowed my eyes at him.

"It's a spell, dumb-ass," a new voice came from the opposite of the room we were in. I stiffened hearing the arrogant tone of the voice that belonged to the pompous jackass. "A spell that'll lead to your demise."

My eyes widened, not because of his words but because of my mate nestled dangerously in his arms.

Jealousy, a new unwarranted feeling, burned within me but I kept it at bay.

His scent was all over her but it wasn't just the mixed scent that was off. Her whole body was marred with red bruises and her eyes...

"What did you do?" I breathed out, staring in her different colored eyes, willing her to look at me. Her beautiful eyes were open but they were vacant. It was like she wasn't even there anymore.

I felt my wolf stir, wanting to be let out. That fucking bastard. He'll pay for what he did to our mate.

"Well, this is a wonderful surprise," Lucius' father said, walking towards my mate. He brushed her hair back gently before placing a kiss on her forehead. My stomach churned. "The poor girl, Lucius. You could've at least been gentle with her."

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