Chapter Twenty Three: An Eye for an Eye

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Paris, France

I always love seeing others in pain. It brings a rush of adrenaline through my body that I couldn't get with anything else.

I thrive off the pain of others; I'll even admit to being addicted to it.

Seeing them on their knees, begging for life...begging for forgiveness. That sight never fails to bring me to a new height of euphoria.

I revel in that pleasure.

I'm in love with it.

And it's no different this time.

The tears welling in the child's eyes, begging me not to hurt her with the iron pole in my left hand, brings me to new heights all over again. The power that I hold over her is overpowering, not exactly the same feeling I have when I'm with my princess, but a very close second.

The little girl in front of me was tied to a tree with ropes drenched in liquid silver. There was no hope for her to turn into a wolf, and even if she could, she wouldn't even stand a chance against me.

"Please don't hurt me," the child pleaded again, snot and drool running down her face. Her right side of her head was caked in blood, a result of the damage I did when I bashed her head in.

"Shut up," I warned softly, using the iron pole to trace the features on her face. She was pretty for a child, I suppose; her features itself were a bit plain but the exotic green eyes that all members of the royal werewolf family possessed, made up for it.

They were a bright green with a drop of gold in its centre. Very captivating to look at, but not as beautiful as my pet's heterochromia eyes. Everything is pale in comparison when my Ariel is in the equation. And that included Rosalie, a royal princess herself.

She was the youngest member of the Callister bloodline; a werewolf who still possessed the same blood as King Callister himself. The wretched bastard that drove all the Shards to extinction, excluding my father and myself.

"Why are you doing this to me?" The six year old princess whined in an atrocious voice. "I don't even know you, sir. Please let me go."

At least the little princess knew how to give respect to people with power.

"It's not you that I want, Rosalie." I can tell I terrified her even more with her use of her name. I stifled a grin at that, not wanting her to see an inch of amusement on my face. "It's your brother, Loker, that I'm looking for. Why don't you kindly tell me where to find him?"

Her eyes widened just an inch and she bit the side of her lip hard. A telling sign that the next words out of her pitiful mouth were going to be lies.

"I-I don't know," she wailed and then screamed when I slammed the iron rod into her stomach. A strange gurgling sound emerged from her mouth and I watched in delight, seeing the blood she was spitting out.

"You want to try answering that question again?" I asked the girl in a soft tone. I knew exactly how to intimidate a person. I've been practicing it with Ariel for a very long time now.

Intimidation at the finest; one of the best skills for a man to hone and possess.

"I don't know," she mumbled in a weak tone, after she finished coughing out her blood. She stared at me with those bright green eyes again, while biting down on her lip again. "Please, believe me. I don't know where my brother went."

Lies. All this girl can tell are pitiful, fucking lies.

"Listen carefully," I murmured, using the rod to trace the blood on her face. "As of right now, the only reason that you're still alive is that you have information that I need. If you continue to be difficult, make no mistake, I'll end you in a heartbeat."

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