Chapter Seven: Unwanted Questions

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My back was hurting and I still felt some of my blood drip down my back. I tried to sit as straight as possible so the pain would lessen a bit, but it did not work in my favor at all. I wanted to scream, shout and cry my lungs out, but something stopped me.

There were strangers, five werewolves and one vampire, all chained up to the wall. I refused to show them my tears. They all seemed powerful in their own way and since my wolf disappeared again, I didn't want to show weakness in front of them

Everything was so confusing and I didn't know who to put my trust in anymore.

I slowly lifted my head up and looked at everyone in the room. They were all staring at me with wide eyes and I was trying not to show that I was afraid.

"How's your back?" a voice asked me. I jumped a little and quickly turned around to see the vampire staring at me with eyes filled with concern. I forgot that I was still on his lap so I scrambled away from him in embarrassment. I quickly stood up and made sure I was a good distance away from him before I answered him.

"I'm sorry," I whispered, using the walls for support. My back was burning and I felt tears pool up in my eyes again. After a few moments of trying to keep my balance, I slid down on the floor giving up. It was hurting too much and I felt empty.

My silver wolf appeared for a second, delivering threats and challenges, before leaving me to face the consequences of her words.

Absently, I rubbed my stomach, feeling the lingering pain of Lucius' powerful kick.

All eyes were still on me and I became very uncomfortable with their stares. They were all different but still beautiful in their own way. Even the vampire, who had jet black hair and the blackest eyes I have ever seen in my life.

"Don't say sorry, Ariel. It's not your fault. But how's your back?" the vampire asked persistently, trying to see the truth in my eyes. I didn't get it. Don't vampires hate werewolves? If I remember correctly, there was still an ongoing feud between the two supernatural creatures.

"Its fine," I lied softly, still confused from his behavior.

"And your stomach?" another boy with bright red hair asked.

"And your head?" a boy with black hair asked.

I just looked at all of them before shaking my head and closing my eyes. Answering their questions meant talking, and I still don't know if I can trust them.

I just wanted to go home.

"So what now?" I heard someone ask out loud trying to break the chains once again. The others tried to break their chains as well, while mumbling harsh words every now and then.

"I want to rip his throat off," the red-head mumbled to himself, while banging his chains against the wall.

"Who? The father or his bastard of a son," the vampire asked with anger. I could feel the tension in the air, along with their frustration.

"Both. I want to kill them both," the red-head growled. The sound of his growl made me flinch back in fear. He was starting to make me very nervous. His mood swings were kind of like Lucius.

"Idiot, you're scaring her," a boy with blonde hair scowled, before looking at me a gentle smile. "Don't be afraid of him. He just has a temper."

I didn't reply back. I had no idea what to say right now, but that didn't stop the blonde boy from talking. "I'm Orion by the way. And the one with the temper-tantrum there is Scott."

"Actually it's Scotty," the vampire interjected with a smirk on his lips.

"Shut up, fang boy!" Scotty spitted back out, causing the vampire to frown at him.

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