Chapter One: Jason

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"No!" I screamed, watching as both my brothers charged at the man with full force, not caring the danger they were both in.

I knew I had to fight too but my whole body was paralyzed from fear and shock.

I want her.

I shivered, thinking of the hostility in his voice when he said that. Who is this man and what does he want from me?

"Do not show your powers Ariel! We have no idea what he is capable of," Ayden growled in my head, before I was able to make a decision. Both he and Adrian were trying to pounce on the man, their claws aiming for his throat.

I thought for sure the man would be afraid, but that was not the case. He started laughing; uncontrollable laughter booming loud in the dark forest. My brothers became more enraged and pounced on the man harder, only for them to fall into heaps on the forest floor.

"No!" I screamed, finally letting my fear turn into anger when I saw that the scar-man has stuck needles into both of my brothers.

"Jason, please hurry!" I screamed to my friend, but I couldn't get any response from him.

I screamed internally in the pack-link, hoping anyone from the pack can send help our way. But nothing was working. The pack link was unusually quiet and I couldn't connect with anyone.

Tears started to burn my eyes. I didn't know what was happening and my brothers were in trouble.

The needles that the man stuck in my brothers must have reversed their wolf transformation, as they both changed abruptly back to their human form; naked.

"Ariel. Run!" Adrian coughed, trying to get off from the ground. Ayden wasn't looking better either, and he looked at me with pleading eyes, no doubt telling me to run. Too bad I refused to leave them alone.

Disobeying Ayden's wishes, I focused my energy to conjure up my powers. Another perk of being a silver wolf, my dad had also said.

Using the nature's energy from around me, I was able to tap into my fire element power. Fire wasn't the easiest for me to control but it was the strongest element to have on my side. Red scouring flames flew out of my hand and landed on the evil man.He screamed in rage and spluttered out curses, while trying to extinguish the fire burning through his clothes.

Knowing that I finally had an advantage, I used my air element to blow a gust of wind in the man's direction, causing him to crash into a nearby tree. It wasn't much, but it was the most I can do for now.

I let out a sigh of relief when I saw that the man's eyes started to droop down before closing for good.

I turned around to see my two brothers on the ground, withering in pain. I ran up to them and saw that they both appeared to be unconscious.

Using my spirit element, I placed a hand on each of my brother, and started healing them. I know that I wasn't strong enough or skillful enough to heal them properly, but I had to try.

"Jason! My brothers need help. Now!" I was screaming to him in my mind, but I couldn't get any response. Tears were slipping out of my eyes when I realized that my healing powers weren't strong enough to heal them quickly.

I was no doctor. I had no idea how badly they were hurt.

"Mom, Dad! Jason! Anyone! Adrian and Ayden are hurt!" I cried to them again in the pack-link, but no one responded.

What is going on? Where was everyone?

"Ahh!" I screamed when I felt a sharp pain in my neck. My arms became limp and I dropped my hand from my brothers. I slowly turned around in fear to see the man who I crashed in the tree, look at me with eyes filled with anger and amusement.

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