Chapter Fifteen: Time Skip

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Three years later:


It's almost funny how different my purpose in life changed from when I was a kid.

When I was a small vamp, around the age of eight, my life was undeniably perfect. I was not only the strongest prince of a Vampire Kingdom but I was set to be next ruler to take over the throne.

With this immense power and control came attention, and I was proud to say that once upon a time, I was one that loved to bask in it.

My family was another joy in my life, that kept me strong and content throughout my childhood. My little brother, Vinny, and I were always up to mischief when we were bored. We wrecked the kingdom, pulled pranks on our servants, and nearly drove everyone in the kingdom insane.

But did I regret it? Never.

Those were some of the best times of my childhood and even though we got in trouble afterwards, I never would want to wipe those memories away from my mind.

What's left of my mind, that is.

My father and mother, King and Queen of the Rossi Kingdom, didn't have the qualities most people would think that a leader would have.

Don't get me wrong.

My father might be a bastard at times and made some decisions based more on his temper than logic, but deep down, he was a lovable bastard.

My mother too, excluding the bastard part of course.

Always cooking and helping people out, most people would think her occupation would be a babysitter rather than the ruler of a huge kingdom.

They treated my brother and I with love and care to an extent that I used to get annoyed. Now, here I was, regretting ever taking advantage of their love.

Three years.

It's been three years since I last saw them.

All the dreams and privileges I had in the past vanished the moment Scar-man, the bastard from hell, entered my bedroom and snatched me from my life that I loved with all my being.

From that day, my life irrevocably changed and by no means do I mean that it changed for the better.

Living in this dump, a dark dainty room with dimmed lights and no windows at all, was like a hell of my own.

Everyday was torture, not knowing if Lucius and his dad were going to play their dirty games on us, or if the new day was going to be filled with silence. And even though I'm grateful for the silence, I can't help but feel that sometimes the silence is the worst times here.

And that's because it's during the silence that my mind starts to break.

Wishing for someone to save us. Wishing for someone to kill us and just end it all.

I don't even know what I want anymore. This life filled with pain and sorrow...sometimes I wonder if death is the better option.

But even when I think of that dreaded thought, I look at her and I realize that life is still somehow worth fighting for. Just seeing her gives me the motivation and a reason to keep surviving in this fucked up world I was thrust in.


I never met anyone like her before in my entire life. And that includes both from the Vampire world and the Werewolf society.

She's everything good in this world; everything that I need to keep me alive. The only source of light I see that keeps me under control and the only one who keeps me sane.

Her beautiful unique eyes and kind personality; you'll be a fool to not love her.

And I do of course.

I love her.

And I don't know if its her beauty that drew me in or her fierce personality, but nothing can change the fact that I'm in love with her and would do absolutely anything for her.

And even if a vampire loving a wolf is a sin that'll take me directly to hell, I still won't care. Heck, I would embrace it.

What hell is worse than the one I'm living in now?

Yeah... It's almost funny how different my life's purpose changed from when I was a kid.

Almost, but not quite.

Because my beautiful girl is wilting away into a shell with each passing day, and there is only so much I can do for her.

I would fight for her and make sure she survives this, but I can't be sure that she'll do the same thing for herself.

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