Chapter 16 I Could've Danced All Night

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Hello everybody sorry if this took so long. Ive been trying my hardest to write but I haven't been in the mood to write for a while. Hope you enjoy the chapter






Aimee's POV

Tonight. Tonight. TONIGHT!!!!

Ian was expecting something from me tonight, I know it. And I have no idea how to tell him that IT is not happening. I'd never done IT willingly, and I definitely wasn't ready now. I'd promised my self a long time ago that I would never give myself to someone in that way until our future was certain. Not that anyone can predict their future, but at least if we were married I could know for sure that they weren't just using me or that I wasn't being taken advantage of. I spent most of my life in forced submission to a man who preyed on my innocence and it wasn't happening again.

In my mind I'm still pure.

Not to mention, I have absolutelty no experience when it comes to men. Ian was my first real relationship and even that was a stretch considering it was started under false pretences. Nope. Tonight was definitely NOT the night.

"I still dont get it?" I sighed dramatically as Macy asked me the same question for the millionth time.

"There's nothing to get Macy, I'm not doing it." She rolled her eyes and I knew she wasnt letting it go.

"But why not? You already love him." She said it as if I was so stupid and that the solution was so obvious.

"First of all I never said that..." She scoffed interrupting me. Why are we even friends?

"Macy would you shut up." I shot her a glare before continuing, "Second of all that's not the point. I just want to be sure Mac. I dont want to give it up to somebody who just breaks up with me later on. I think I deserve better than that."

Now it was her turn to glare.

"Oh and I don't! Me and my first didnt stay together and I'm over it. Are you saying my relationship wont be as good as yours because I didn't wait..."

"Mac, you know thats not what I'm saying. Our lives are very different."

"HOW SO!?!"

"Because you didnt spend most of your childhood on YOUR BACK!" The room became eerily silent as we glared at each other before Macy finally looked away.

And this round goes to me.

She looked back up at me with sadness and understanding in her eyes before grabbing my hand.

" Aims, I just don't want you sacraficing your future happiness because of something that happened in the past."

"I know Mac, and I promise you I won't. Now are you going to help me get ready or what?" I gave her hand one last squeeze before letting.

" Even though I think this is a waste of my talents, I guess I could help you one more time. Now sit down you ugly female, and let me make you beautiful."

Oh yeah, that's why we're friends.


Ian's POV

I held the manila folder tigthly in my grip as I quickly made my way into my house. To say I was angry would be an understatement. The things I had just found out had my blood boiling.

Aimee Jensen was a lie. She'd been dead for years. The woman I was dealing with was someone else entirely. I couldn't be certain who she was but thinking back to the conversation I overheard at her apartment, I had a pretty could idea who she was.

Anna Matthews

Creed's adoptive daughter. It's the only explanation that makes sense. But what would she want from me? I never had any explanations for Creed's death so why me?

I may be able to get some information out of her tonight. A little romance, a little alcohol, and I know she'll talk.


And there she is.

My plan was formulating in my mind as I sauntered towards the door. All I had to do was turn on the charm and I'm sure she'll say anything I want her two.

And to think I was expecting a nice night with a beautiful women. A women that I nearly fell in love with.

"Glad I dodged that bullet," I mumbled as I pulled open the door.

Seeing Aimee standing there all dressed up took the air completely out of my lungs. I silently cursed myself for still feeling this strongly towards her.

"Ian, hi." She gave me a shy smile and my heart nearly stopped beating. How could someone so innocent be so evil.

"Hey beautiful, your right on time. I hope you don't mind but I already ordered in."

"I'm sure whatever you've ordered will be fine." She stepped inside and I gently closed the door behind me, taking a few moments to calm my emotions.

"So what's for dinner?" She was still giving me that same shy smile and my mind continued to battle with my heart just from the sight of it.

"Chez Francois, for old times sake. I figured it's become kind of our place." I gave her my best smile and she responded with a broad smile of her own.

"We'll I don't know about you, but in starving." She rubbed her stomach and giggled. And if it wasn't for the fact that she was only acting, I could clearly see how I could fall in live with her.

"How about we eat before you turn to cannibalism then."

"I'm sure it would be the best meal I've ever had."

Oh yeah, I definitely see how I could have fallen in love with her.


"I always feel like I eat too much." We were lounging on the sofa after finishing our meal.

"That's because you do Aimee." She playfully hit my arm letting her hand linger for a second to long. I grabbed her hand as she pulled it away and intertwined our fingers. It was time to put my plan into action.

"So, how about dessert?" I tugged her gently until she was pressed up against me.

"W-what's for dessert?" Her eyes immediately went wide at my sky smile. I wrapped my arms firmly around her waist effectively trapping her in my arms.

"Ian I think you shou-" I cut her off by crashing my lips against hers. I moved them gently at first until I felt her kissing me back. I added more pressure and when her arms snaked around my neck I knew she was a goner. I smiled against her mouth before continuing my onslaught of her lips.

The kiss seemed to last for ever until I finally pulled away for air. We were both breathing deeply by the time it was over. I kept my arms around her allowing my heartbeat to slowly return to normal. Her eyes flutter open and the amount of emotion in her eyes had me choking on air.

"Ian, I-I can't sleep with you."

Well that was not what I was expecting.

"Why not, I mean I know it's soon but I was pretty sure we both knew what we wanted." I couldn't understand. Everything was going perfectly.

"I AM sure of what I want. It's just, after everything that happened in the past, I decided to save myself until I was married." She grimaced at the end of her sentence like she was afraid of my reaction.

"Baby, I understand and it's okay. We can take all the time you need."

"Y-you mean you don't want to break up with me." I couldn't help but smile at her expression. The usual spitfire of a women seemed completely vulnerable and uncertain.

"Beautiful, why would I do that. This isn't high school and the bedroom was not my only goal. I just want to be with you. Because I care about you. Don't you feel the same way?"

"Of course," she answered in a rush desperate to reassure me."in fact I..." I leaned forward prompting her to answer.

"I think I'm falling in love with you." My heart stopped. Completely stopped. In fact everything stopped. Even the world stopped spinning.

"Ian please say something." I wanted to respond to her pleading but my voice was stuck in my throat. How could she do this? How could she say something so important as I'm in love with you and not even mean it?

I couldn't do this. I thought I could but I can't. My heart wasn't strong enough. Because I loved her too. I knew it with every fiber of my being. So I did what was best for me, and best for my heart.

I laughed.

"Ian are you alright?" She touched my arm and I immediately snatched it away as if she had burned me. In a way she had.

"I'm fine. I just had to laugh at this joke. Someone somewhere must be really cruel." I continued with my sinister laugh slowly growing accustomed to the familiar coldness in my chest.

"What joke? Ian I don't understand." Her eyes began to feel with tears, and I resisted the urge to push them away.

"We'll how about I just jump to the punch line. Anna." She jumped away from me and her eyes widened. She looked like a caged animal as her eyes darted from side to side before finally finding my angry ones.

"I-Ian I..."

"Save it Anna. I know your plan. And now you've been caught. Now the questions remains, what to do with you." I gave her my most menacing smile and waited for the fear to set in.

"W-what d-do y-you m-m-mean?" By now her body was practically convulsing.

"How about we start with something simple. Tell... Me... Everything."


??? POV

Ian, Ian, Ian. I had such high hopes for you. But spending the night with that women was not part of the plan. Your destroying my perfect picture. Now I'll have to take care of that too. But first, I'll start with something simple.

"Shelley, it's me. I was wondering, how much does MC Entertainment mean to you? Because if it means as much as I think it does, then I would be more then willing to get it into your hands. I just need one small favor."

Oh Anna Anna, do I ever have a surprise in store for you.


Don't hate me!!!! It's not over I promise. There is still much more to come although we are getting closer to the end.

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