Chapter 2 Alice in Wonderland

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This next chapter introduces Aimee's character and then I promise you will get background on Ian and Aimee.


"Now isn't that interesting" Aimee couldn't help but speak out loud even when she knew no one could here her. In all the months that she had been following Ian Autumn she had never seen him go to dinner alone. He always had his trophy wife on his arm.

"What was her name again?" Aimee thought silently to herself this time. After all, demented as she was, speaking to herself would not help her already strained mental state. She had been waiting for months to get close to Ian autumn and now here he was going into Chez Francois alone. It was definitely an opening if she ever saw one.

But what would be her cover. She was sure "Hey I've been stalking you for six months" was not the best idea for breaking the ice. She drummed her perfectly manicured nailes on her chin deep in thought. And then it came to her. Ian must be getting divorced. Aimee had known about his wifes many affairs for months. After all a plan works best when you could come at it from every angle. And Ian's wife certainly gave alot of them. Her string of lovers was literally endless.

So maybe he had finally found out. So... now what. Well he would obviously be lonely and Aimee knew exactly how to deal with a lonely man. High heels, a little perfume and they were practically begging on there knees for your company. She coudn't help but smirk at the ease of the situation as she slipped on her stilettos and slid gracefully out of her Volkswagen beetle.

The smell of croissants gently wafted through the air to her nose and she couldn't stop the low rumble in her stomache.

"No time for food" Aimee whispered reassuringly to herself as if to deny the fact that she was completely out of money.


Money was currently the source of all her pain and suffering. The very reason she was driven so far into revnge that she barely recognized the person she had become. And now as she slipped quietly into chez Francois she couldn't fight the knowledge that no matter how hard she tried she could never blend in to this world of money and power. That was the first hiccup in her plan. The second was that Ian was not alone.

From what she could see it appeared he was with two other people. As they laughed she knew it had to be close friends. Ian never laughed. Ever. But how could she get close to them without them noticing. They were sitting awfully close to the bar. She could pretend to order a drink? But no that wouldn't work. She knew there wasn't a single cent in her pocket. She took pride in keeping her appearances. But deep down she knew, especially where her empty stomach was concerned, that she was missing the most important thing.


And then an idea formed in her mind once again. This being a particularly beautiful one she couldn't help but giggle to herself. And then she remembered where she was and what she was doing. She put on her best smile and gently touched the waiter that was hurrying quickly by her. He turned and when there eyes met he was too late in hiding the disgust in his eyes.

"Can I help you mademoiselle?" he said in his snobby French accent.

"Yes I was wondering if I could get an application" he hesitated for a bet but Aimee knew he had no choice but to give her one.

"Oui follow me."

"Sure and do you mind if I fill it out at the bar?" The look he have her then was priceless, and most definitely said it all.

Your black, your applying at an upscale French cafe, in jeans no less, and you just asked me to fill it out at the bar. Oh you definitely got the job. Naturally I'm being sarcastic.

And Aimee couldn't help but send her own look back as if to say, don't worry you've already given me everything I could want.


As Ian Carlisle and his wife May enjoyed their lunch none of them noticed the young woman making her way over to the bar.

" A nanny?" Ian grimaced at the thought. The last thing he needed was another woman in house. He could barely get rid of the damage left by the last one.

" Yes it's perfect. Someone to cook and clean and take care of your daughter for you. It's like a wife without the marriage." May practically shouted with enthusiasm.

" May I already have a babysitter"

"I know I know but this would be full time. All a babysitter does is watch your daughter. They don't give the attention and love that she needs"

Ian sighed. He knew May and he knew she would never give up on an idea once it formed in her mind. Ian tried to look at Lisle for help but the sissy would never stand up to his wife.

"Excuse me. Are you looking for a nanny?"

Aimee stood completely still as all eyes turned on her

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