Chapter 13 How Will I Know

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Oh my goodness I had a crappy day but writing always helps calm me down. I noticed I made a mistake in the last chapter where I said Anna Creed. Lol thats what happens when your tired. Anyhoo I meant to say Anna Matthews. Sorry for the confusion. Thanks for the votes and reads but please more comments Because I'm so "lonely lonely lonely lonely looonely" lol it's from a Kpop group called 2ne1 look them up they're awesome. I'm also going to go back and edit my previous chapters.

Without further ado...


Ian's POV

"Nothing?" I shook my head in disbelief.

"Nothing." My father confirmed, "No ex wives, no past girlfriends. No one that Matthews ever had any dealings with went by the name of Anna. Why was it so urgent for you to know son?"

"No reason dad." I knew it would just worry him and my mother if they found out. Their involvement would only complicate things. Until things got serious, I would keep this to myself.

It wasn't until I was out of my father's office that the fierce anger took over. Who was this stranger I let stroll so casually into my life? For all I know she could be a mass murderer or something.

Oh. My. God.

I let her around my child. What was mentally wrong with me? How could I not sense she was a liar? I usually had pretty good senses when it came to people but for some reason I just let Aimee slide right into my life. I must be getting soft.

My cell vibrated in my pocket thankfully distracting me from my angry thoughts. They almost immediately returned when I saw the name on the ID.

"Hello Aimee."


Aimee's POV

"Ian is everything alright you sound upset." My heart immediately clenched with worry.He said he had a legitimate reason for standing me up. It must have been relly serious. He didn't seem like the type to be tardy.

"I'm fine, I was actually hoping we could meet in person if you have some time." He sounded apprehensive and my heart immediately sunk with the thought of bad news. He must be reconsidering the idea of dating me in the first place. I knew it seemed to good to be true.

"Sure it's Sunday what could I possibly have to do." I was disappointed in the slight waver in my voice. Thankfully Ian laughed at my weak attempt at a joke.

"True. So I guess I'll meet you somewhere. How about Chez Francais. For old time's sake."

"Sounds great I'll see you there." As soon as he hung up I let out a breathe I didn't realize I was holding. What if he really was ending it before it even started? Thats a thought I'm not sure my mental state can handle.

"Macy?" I heard a crash and a bang before I heard her muffled reply.

"Macy what are you doing?' I followed the sounds until they lead me outside the bathroom.

"Macy I swear you better not be dying your hair.." Her silence was enough of a reply. I heard her jump as I banged my fists on the door.

"Macy your hair is going to completely fall out if you dont stop this incessant dying, and then what? What are you goiong to do then? You think Dev is going to want a bald girl. You'll never-" My words were cut off as the door swung open. I expected black, or blue, maybe even rainbow colors. But I never expected Macy's hair to be a subtle chocolate brown.

"I decided to go back to my natural color. Does it look okay?" I couldn't do anything but nod as I stared in awe at my best friend.

"Mac it looks amazing." I knew if I used her nickname she'd believe me. Judging from the smile on her face I was right. "Btw I have a dinner date with Ian and I have no idea what to wear." I watched Macy's eyes light up at the idea of a possible makeover.

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