Chapter 10 Under the Sea

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Hey you guys. So one of the comments I got said that they removed my story because I threatened them for comments. I apologize if I offended any of you but I also wanna say I appreciate each and every single one of you for reading, and continuing to read with my first story. Your votes and comments really do mean a lot an it was kind of a last resort to just hear what you think. Everyone's entitled to there opinion but I would never stop updating just because no one was commenting, I started writing cuz I enjoy it not to get popularity. It is for FUN people. It takes a lot out of my schedule to sit down and write and a lot of thinking power since I'm naturally a ditz so I said I would update sooner by forcing myself to write even when I was tired because of the extra boosts from your comments. I'm sorry if I offended or 'disappointed' anyone it wasn't my intention.


No more clogging my feed wit comments on my incentive to gain comments. That is not feedback. And if you ever feel like you dont want to read my story anymore it's totally fine trust me I completely understand. But you really don't have to let me know I just think it does more harm them good by telling someone you removed there story. Well I'm done ranting and raving now. Lol


So here's the moment you've been waiting for


Ian's POV

"I don't understand why you had to invite Vera though." I scowled at my mother which only succeeded in her scowling back.

"Ian she's the mother of my grandchild, even if you two are separated..."

"Divorced." She still wasn't willing to accept the truth.

"Fine divorced, doesn't mean she stops being family." She pushed a few grey blonde strands behind her ear before returning to the picnic.

It never ceased to amaze me how quickly my mother could end a conversation by putting me in my place. And yet she still did it with all the grace of a world class beauty queen. She was still beautiful enough to turn heads. It didn't escape my notice that my father was currently sending a few suggestive stares her way. But as usual my mother ignored him, almost dismissing him with a flick of her slender wrist. I had no idea why she invited him if she wasn't intending on getting along.

"Ian!" Oh god. Why can't she just leave me alone. I didn't fight her on anything during the divorce and she still insisted on worming her way back into my life.

"Yes Vera" I managed to choke out.

"So , how have you been."


"How's work?"

"Fine" If I just continuously gave her one word answers she might give up.

"How's your love life?" Well that question through me for a loop. I didn't even know how to respond. I guess she took my silence as an answer.

"OMfreakingG youmetsomeone" It came out in one angered rush and I knew I was moments away from a full on female hurricane.

"Ian can we talk" I never would love my father more than I loved him in this moment, but I was extremely thankful that he unknowingly saved me from a very awkward situation.

"Sure Dad let's go right now." Vera sent me a 'will talk about this later' look. And I knew I would be avoiding pretty much all contact with her throughout the rest of the picnic.

By the time I turned towards my father he was already heading into the house like he lived here. But not before sending my mother a suggestive wink. Only this time instead of gracing him with  a flick of her wrist she winked back and blushed. Ewww.

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