Chapter 7 My Prince Will Come

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Hey sorry if you think i take too long to update. I got six comments on my last chapter. That may not seem like alot but to me it is. Thank you guys so much for your feedback. I can't wait to here more from you. BTW a friend of mine just joined wattpad and i was hoping you guys could give her a chance. Shes an amazing writer, better than me even. (Though ill never tell her(but shes probably gonna read this anyhoo) lol) Her username is potkettleblack and her story is called Space. War. Love. It's really amazing trust me. Im rambling so ill stop. Or will I mwahahaha.

You guys were begging me for Aimee's background for revenge so I'm shedding a little light in this chapter. Oh and I went back and fixed my mistakes from the last chapter.





Aimee's POV

If I ever thought I wanted to have kids I was sorely mistaking. Spending one day with Anabelle has convinced me that all children are little devils. Two hours after Ian left I  was calling my doctor to see how old you had to be to get your tubes tied. Needless to say, he laughed in my ear. I definitely did not think it was funny. How could a baby cause me so much trouble you ask? Well I'll tell you.

After Anabelle started crying I made my way upstairs to the nursery. I opened the door and crossed the room to the crib picking her up gently. As I lifted her up to check her diaper she puked. In. My. Face. If it wasn't for the fact that I had no desire to taste puke I'm sure I would have screamed. With Anabelle full on wailing in my arms I stumbled blindly to the bathroom turning on the faucet with one hand while rocking Anabelle with the other. It took me a full ten minutes of breathing puke before I got it off my face. Once that was taken care of I checked her diaper again. After I made sure it was empty I figured that she must be hungry. I walked out of the bathroom down the the stairs to the kitchen.

Ian had left me a list of things that I could use while he was at work. It also had on it all the things Anabelle needed. I read over it until I got to bottles. The baby bottles were in the top right cabinet and the formula was in the pantry. I gently layed Anabelle, who was still wailing by the way, down in her bassinet as I set to work on her bottle. Once it was warm I lifted her back in my arms and put the bottle to her lips. She must have been really hungry because she guzzled it's entire contents greedily. I set the empty bottle in the sink and patted Anabelle, who had finally finished screaming, to burp her. She responded by puking down my back. Under. My. Shirt.

This time I did scream, which caused alot of crazy looks from the staff. I layed Anabelle back down and peeled off my shirt quickly rinsing it in the sink and wiping my back down with the towel. I looked up to see the gardener leering at me through the windows. I stared back in confusion before realization hit me. I was standing in the kitchen, dripping wet, with no top. I snatched my still wet shirt off the counter roughly yanking it over my shoulders. I stomped over to the window forcing it open.

"What do you think your staring at!" I yelled barely containing my anger.

"A beautiful woman. Baby I'm a little disappointed you put your shirt back on." He smirked. I hated when guys smirk. I smirked back.

"Im sure your used to disappointment sweetheart so dont let it bother you none. By the way, I'm not your baby." I thought that would get him angry but he just smiled even bigger.

"You could be, baby." He offered.

"Your right I could, but Im not as used to disappointment as you are. So you can keep your five minutes of boredom." I slammed the window but not before I caught his angry glare. Jerk.

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