Chapter 1- A Great Fall

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This is my very first story so please be nice. I'm a hopeless romantic but I'll try not to make it to mushy and if you spot any huge mistakes then please let me know. It's the thought that counts right? :-) so without further ado....

Ian was a fallen man. As he stared at himself in the mirror only one word could describe the haggard tear stained eyes that glared back at him.


His wife, soon to be ex that is, had succeeded in doing something many women had tried and failed miserably at. She had broken the notorious Ian Autumn. The thought left a sick feeling in his chest and a boiling in his stomache. He had originally gone into the men's bathroom under the pretense of relieving himself but everyone knew better. His wife's betrayal was not as much of a secret as he would have hoped. He could hear the whispers when he entered a room and he could feel eyes on his back whenever he left a room. It was sickening. But most disgusting, most humiliating of all was the pity.

Pity was only showed to those who were vulnerable, and in his entire 30 years of life Ian had never shown vulnerability to a single human soul. And that was the way he liked it. Yet, here he was, crying to himself in the men's bathroom. His once blue eyes were now swollen and red, an his perfectally cut jet black hair was frazzled and unkempt.


How could he possibly cover up his emotions enough to walk out of the bathroom and appear to be his usual cold unfeeling self. The self his employees obeyed and that his family was used to. There was know way he could let his employees see him like this and maintain his dignity at the same time.

He started by forcefully rubbing his eyes but that only made them redder. Then he tried gently splashing cold water on his face but that only made him look sweaty.

Crap! Crap! Crap!

Nothing was working. He warily spared a blurry look at his watch. It read 10:30 am. That meant he had already been in here for almost an hour! A frustrated groan escaped his lips before he could catch himself as he buried his face in his hands.


"If I ignore them they'll go away"

Knock knock....



" WHAT" he barked hoping whoever it was would shrink back at his anger.

"Ooh so scary. Really man you've been in there for an hour."

Ian only groaned louder when he recognized his best friend Carlisle's voice. This was the problem being business partners with your best friend. You could never get away from with each other.

"Occupied" Ian sang sweetly. Even in his emotional state he couldn't waste this opportunity to mess with his best friend. He shouldn't have bothered him in the first place.

"Real funny E. But your annoying sense of humor isn't enough to distract from the fact that you've been in the bathroom sulking for an hour."

"Oh that's rich. Tell me what reason do I have to sulk Lisle?" Ian could only hope that his voice didn't betray the strong emotions he felt.

" Umm hmm... Let me see. Your wife has been having an affair. You caught her in front of your parents and most of your close friends and oh what's that last thing... Oh yes she then took of with most of your possessions leaving you to raise Annabelle on your own."

At the mention of his daughters name Ian couldn't help the air that clogged in his throat. He wasn't a hundred percent sure she was his daughter and the thought nearly doubled him over in agony.

" Look bro, it's not like i'm trying to hurt you. I just want you to know that I understand what your feeling and....

Lisle wasn't even able to finish as the door was flung open in front of him revealing a completely composed Ian.

" Well uh..." Lisle couldn't seem to get a gold of his words as he stared into Ian's cold emotionless eyes.

" I told you i was fine and now you see that i am"

"Well I'm glad but I'm here if you need me" Lisle whispered laying his hand on his his friends shoulder.

Ian sighed, " Lisle I know your trying to help but until what's happened to me happens to you, you couldn't possibly understand." and for a second Lisle could see it all in his friends. The anger the hatred but most of all the pain. And then it was gone. Perfectly concealed by a cold indifferent mask.

Lisle sighed and smoothed his brown hair back as he watched his friend walk away. He couldn't help but shake his head as tears stung his deep brown eyes. His friends pain was literally killing him but he wasn't letting anyone in and Lisle knew that it would only cause him more suffering in the end. He swiftly turned on his heels and practically sprinted in the opposite direction of the office as he forcefully pushed open the bathroom door. It barely shut him in before the tears came.


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