Chapter 6 Once Upon A Dream

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Hey so thanks to all the people that have fanned me so far. But why no comments. trust me i read and take into account every single one so please please




hugz and kissez mwah


Aimee's POV

"YOU DID WHAT!" I leaned away from my best friend Macy's voice. Did she always have to yell. Her voice was almost as loud as her style. Today she was sporting a micro mini zebra print skirt paired with a red sequin off the shoulder top. Her hair was dyed black. Again. Only this time it had a few blue streaks through it.

"Hello earth to Aimee." I hated it when she waved her hand in front of my face.

"I already told you Macy. We almost kissed okay." Macy broke down into giggles. The most annoying part was that this had been going on for hours.

"It's not funny Macy."

"It's.....It's....Hi-Hilarious"She choked out. After a deep breath she continued."Here you are trying to destroy the man, and now your kissing."

I glared at her. I didn't kiss Ian, HE almost kissed ME. Yeah, but you let him. Shut up voice. But inside I knew it was true. If the phone hadn't rang I wouldn't have hesitated to let him kiss me. But that was definitely a bad idea.

"I'm tired" I knew I sounded like a baby when I whined, but I always hated clubs. The one Macy had dragged me to was especially grimy. The lights were dim save fore a few fluorescent colored bulbs. The music was pounding so loudly that I could barely recognize one song from the next. The place looked like it hadn't been cleaned in months and trust me the bathrooms weren't much better. I shoved down my need to pee the minute I made the mistake of setting foot in that filthy excuse for a restroom. If that wasn't bad enough the lusty looks me and Macy were getting from the men didn't help at all.

"Your such a baby" Macy chided "And you need to loosen up" she added tapping one of her multi colored fingertips between my scrunched eyebrows. I automatically flinched away from her touch. She knew I avoided human contact and never missed an opportunity to tease me for it. But why had I let Ian get so close to me. I hated it when just about anyone touched me, so why him after barely a day and a half? It must be my vengeful instincts kicking in. I just wanted to get inside his head. Yeah that's it. It wouldn't happen again though. It was too dangerous.

"Omg if you ignore me again" I can't believe I was so stuck on what happened that I couldn't even pay attention to my friend.

"I'm sorry I'm just nervous about tomorrow" It was my first day tomorrow and needless to say I was scared out of my mind. What if I screwed up and he fired me. Then all my months of planning would be shot.

"Besides I have to get up early so.." I trailed off trying to ignore the disappointment in her eyes.

"Fine we can go" I almost jumped out of my chair I was so happy.

As we made our way back to our apartment I couldn't help the nervous thoughts that flooded my mind. By the time I unlocked the door I was in full on breakdown mode. I couuldn't figure out whether I was more nervous about screwing up my job or Ian trying to kiss me again. Probably the latter. And what if he did? Would I let him? Would it feel good? I turned over moaning into my pillow realizing with a start that I didn't even remember getting ready for bed let alone climbing into it.

Oh god. Tomorrow was gonna be a long day.


Ian's POV

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