Chapter 9 Poison Apple

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Hey everybody. Howzit! So I started a new story besides this one. It's called Me Myself and Kai. It's a teen romance unlike this one but older teen like 18-20. I know im shamelessly plugging myself but puhleez give me a chance. Anyways, literally NO ONE has been giving me feedback. I have almost 1400 reads and maybe ten comments. That doesn't seem right. So if I can get at least 5 comments on this chapter I promise to update the next chapter in 2 days. Lets do this together.





Aimee's POV

Slamming the door shut I sprinted to my bug. My breathes were coming out in shallow broken gasps not and I barely made it to my car before the voices bombarded me.

You whore how could you.

You know you wanted him this whole time.

Do you even miss your father?

Do you even want to help him?

"YES!" I screamed through my tears punching forcefully at the dashboard. My fists flew out in front of me one after the other. Over and over again. My knuckles started cracking but I just kept going even through the blood. Until I could feel nothing. Until I was numb. Numb to everything.

I slowed down my breathing until I had control of myself and the voices subsided. Every episode left me feeling weary. My doctor had given me pills to deal with my post traunmatic stress but the voices were a horrible side effect. With still shaking hands I turned the key in the ignition willing the final tremors away.

It wasn't long before I pulled up to the cemetary. Most people were too scared to come at night so it was the perfect time for me. I needed this time alone to think. I shut off the ignition and rested my head on the steering wheel. Walking up to the grave itself would be too risky but being near it at least was comforting enough.

I kissed him. The thought was so unexpected but I knew my mind would find it's way back to moments earlier inside the house. I should've pushed him away but instead I willingly submitted to him. I let him in and I let him touch me.


It was something I let no one do to me. I didn't let Macy touch me and we had been friends for years. But now I almost craved the feeling of Ian's hands on my shoulders, ths softness of his fingers carsessing my cheek. What is wrong with me? This shouldn't be happening. I shouldn't be allowing this. My father would be so disappointed.

Great, now I was crying again. I could feel my resolve slipping and I knew it wasn't long before the despair swallowed me. But I had to finish what I started. If not for myself but for my loving father. I reached under the seat grasping around blinding, grunting in effort until my hand closed around the steel I was looking for.

I pulled out the gun carefully cradling it in both hands. This was the very weapon that had ended my Father's life, and after holding it in my hands I felt the boost I needed to keep going. This, I reminded myself, could not be his only legacy. I had to vindicate him. I had to bring him the honor he was denied. The name Creed Matthews would no longer be synonimous with failure. I would give him the send off he deserved.

I turned the gun over in my hands, gently caressing the safety.

"And once I'm done Father" I whispered not caring that no one could hear me. I raised the gun to my head and closed my eyes as I breathed in a calm breath and smiled.

"Once I'm done I swear to join you."


Ian's POV

I hated family picnics. I never understood why my mother felt the need to bring our misguided disfunctional "family" together. Every picnic always inevitably ended up in tears or in anger. But at least they were never boring.

"Stop your moping, it's not that bad." May chided, but I could see the smile tugging at her lips.

"Easy for you too say, love. It's not your family." Lisle interjected throwing his arm protectively around her shoulders. Even after all these years he still felt the need to show his possesiveness in my presence. May and I had dated on and off throughout highschool but we ended up being nothing more than good friends. He had nothing to worry about. She would never leave him or betray him. Which was more then I could say for my own ex-wife.

Shaking the negative thoughts from my mind I sent May a sly smile. "If it's not so bad then why don't you stay for the whole thing." I knew her and Lisle would cut out early like they always did but I also knew May could never back down from a challenge.

Lisle knew this too but was too late in covering her mouth, "Sure" she added with a smile leaving Lisle stewing to himself. He hated the family picnics just as much as I did. But because he wasn't blood relation he was never obligated to stay for the whole train wreck. At least until now.

I scooped Anabelle up in my arms her green eyes staring quizically into mine before she sent me a toothless smile. It never failed to make my knees weak when she did that. I slipped her jakcet over her tiny arms before we headed out the door. The weather wasn't exactly freezing but I took no risks with my little angel.

I heard May saying something about it being a beautiful day but I was too busy strapping anabelle in to notice. Once I climbed into my car and drove off the nerves started settling in. My step father had long since died but it didn't stop me from feeling wary of his lurking presence. Every inch of that home reminded me of a different nightmare, a seperate beating, a broken limb.

I heard honking behind me until I realized I was sitting at a green light. Okay Ian no more negative thoughts. How about you just admire the beautiful day hmm? I casually glanced out the window taking in the beautiful scenery around me but all of it paled in comparison to a certain beauty that I couldn't get out of my mind. And the kiss only seeked to heighten my need.

But I knew I couldn't rush things. I couldn't get the look of disdain on her face out of mind as she spat out the word rape. I knew by the way she said it that she was by no means over what happened and probably wouldn't let a man be with her in that way. But somehow I was okay with that.

Wow. I must have it bad if that was what I was thinking. The only good part of my marriage was the, ahem, physical activity. But with Aimee I knew I wanted more. I wanted her mind and her heart, and all the baggage that came with it.

As I pulled up to the front of my childhood home the faint smell of barbecue wafted in through the vents. I pulled up behind my sisters car and cut the engine. I hopped out stretching and trying hard to relax my already tense muscles. It'll be fine I kept telling myself. And after a few reassuring looks from May I almost believed it. Almost. That was until I heard a sound I swore I would never hear again.

"Baby Belle!" I jerked around so fast at the sound of her voice that I nearly collided with my still open back door. Even through her oversized sunglasses I could feel her intense stare.

"Ian, it's been a while." She quipped adding a slow smile to the end. She leaned her heat to the side in which I assumed she thought was a sexy pose. Her red hair was flowing freely around her shoulders and I was almost annoyed by the fact that she was still as beautiful as the last time I saw her.

"Trust me Vera, with your incessant phone calls it's almost like you never left." Her smile immediately twisted into a glare. She snatched Anabelle from my hands, a little too forcefully, and stormed off towards the backyard.

Welcome home to me.


Sorry for the shortness but I wanted to have the picnic in it's own chapter because it has a big bombshell about Ian's relationship with Aimee's father. If you want it sooner than later PLEASE COMMENT!

Hugz and Kissez

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