Chapter 14 Journey to the Past

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Sooo sorry. I have so many things going on. Now my Grandpa has cancer and im probably going to go out of state soon. But ill still try to update. hugz and kissez mwah


Ian's POV

I stared at the computer blankly while I mindlessly tapped my fingers on my desk. I had spent the entire day forcing Aimee from my mind, barely able to concentrate on the pile of work in front of me. The betrayal I felt from knowing the truth felt all to familiar. It wasn't hard to compare my situation now, to the marriage I suffered through before.


Obviously I was getting any work done today. I pushed away from the desk and closed my eyes. It wasn't long before my memories took over.


"Are you sure about this Dad?" I stared down wide eyed at the manila folder in my hand. I couldn't believe this was happening.

"Of course I am son. MC Entertainment is already proved itself to be a very successful investment, and I am certain you would have no problem handling it. I'll leave you too it." He got up and let himself out of my office. I couldn't help but get excited. This was the first big contract that I would be handling myself. My father was finally trusting me with something.

I knew I had to tell someone or else I would explode with excitement. I picked up the phone and dialed the one person I knew would be just as excited as me.

My wife.

Vera was the best thing that had ever happened to me. I couldn't imagine my life without her.And finding out she was carrying my child was a miracle in itself. She was amazing in every way. I was more thankful then ever for Creed Matthews selling his business to us. I would have never met Vera otherwise. She was his assistant and the day she came to drop off the final contract, I knew I was a goner.

All it took was one look and I was sunk. We started dating and less then a year later we were married. And our love has only grown since then.

"Hi you've reached Vera Autumn. I can't come to the phone right now..." I hung up before the message played any longer. Without hesitating I snatched my jacket on and headed out of the office. I guess I would just have to tell her in person. I couldn't wait another second.

It was a chilly day when I finally got outside. Maybe I should take Vera out for coffee after I see her. Decaf considering shes pregnant. We could go to our favorite coffee shop and then head back home to "properly" celebrate. My foot subconsciously stepped on the gas, desperately trying to shorten the distance between me and my wife.

I made it to Matthew's off site office in 5 minutes flat. Even though he didn't officially own the business we allowed him to put in feedback and handle minor decisions form time to time. We even let him keep his offices. The chilled air cut right through my coat as I opened my car door. Yup, coffee was definitely a priority right now.

I walked up to the building and pushed open the door. Thankful for the heat I felt inside. I walked up to the secretary and her face registered shock as she took in my appearance, before she quickly covered it with an almost too welcoming smile.

"Hello Mr. Autumn, Mrs. Autumn and Mr. Matthews are in a private meeting at the moment."

"Shelley how many times do I have to tell you that Mr. Autumn is my fathers name. And I'm sure Vera wouldn't mind me interrupting. I have news that I can't wait another second to share with my beautiful wife." I thought I saw a flash of jealousy in her eyes, but she smiled so brightly that I probably imagined it.

" Normally I wouldn't let you through Mr., err I mean Ian. But I'm sure your right and that Creed probably wouldn't mind the interruption either." Her voice hitched a little when she said Creed's name but I didn't stop to wonder about it as I quickly pushed the thoughts away and followed the familiar path to Creed's office.

I raised my hand to knock, but my hand froze mid air as I heard my wife's voice, speaking Creed's name. More like moaning his name. I grabbed the door handle and wrenched the door open. Two shocked faces met mine, before recognition flashed in both their eyes. Creed and Vera struggled to get their clothes back on and I was frozen in the spot just watching them.

Vera looked up in my eyes, tears full in her beautiful green ones.

"Baby, I..." My brain finally connected with the rest of my body and I turned away before I heard whatever sad excuse she had to give.

As I passed the front desk, I could've sworn I saw a smirk on Shelley's face. I heard Vera's pleading cries getting nearer behind me and I wasted no time making my way outside. As I got in my car and sped off I didn't even bother with the heater. There's was no way it could cut through the numbness in my heart.


Aimee's POV

There is absolutely nothing on TV right now. Just a bunch of crappy reality shows. Nothing interesting ever happens to me anymore. I was so distracted by my own boredom that I nearly jumped out of my skin when my daddy slammed into my house.

"Daddy whats the matter, why all the noise?" he was angrily pulling his jacket off and viciously running his fingers through his hair.

"What's the matter! Ian Autumn is what's the matter! He's ruined everything. And now shes gone." The last part was said with such a strangled cry that my heart broke for him and his pain.

"I don't understand Daddy, who's gone." He took a few calming breathes and leaned and kissed my forehead.

"Don't worry about it Mimi. I'm gonna be in my study for the rest of the night.."

"Why daddy?'

"Because I'm planning on taking my business back, and it's going to take alot of money and alot of thought. I need time to think." he kissed me on the forehead once more and sluggishly headed up stairs.

Poor daddy. But at least his life was interesting.


??? POV

So shes finally left you hmm. I wonder how you'll cope now. You should've never crossed me. And now I won't stop until I take everything from you. Starting with that business you hold so near and dear. A business that was never really yours to begin with.


Sorry sorry sorry. I know it's late and short but for those of you who don't know, my grandfather is dying of cancer and this is all I can give right now. Hope you enjoy. Anyone who is able to guess the mystery POV will get a huge chapter spoiler for the next update. But I dont think anyone's gonna get it.

Prove me wrong. lol Vote Comment Fan.

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