Chapter 18 Prince Charming Has a Friend

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Hello. Sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry about the wait. I'm under a lot of stress lately :-( and I had MAJOR writers block

I hope you enjoy.





Anna's POV

Ian told me to meet him at his condo at six. Liam Mareaux was going to be there. And apparently he was going to analyze the evidence we had. Considering all I had was the gun, I figured it wouldn't take that long.

I knew in my mind that it was just a business arrangement but my heart would not let the love I felt for Ian go. I knew that lying to him was a mistake. He was a good guy, and there was no way that he murdered my father. If I was honest with him from the beginning we could have worked out our relationship. Now I was left with nothing.

But if it was the last thing I did, I would get him back.

And for that I would have to choose my next move carefully. Starting with my appearance. Ian was a man after all. And even if he wanted to deny his obvious feelings for me, there was no way he could ignore the obvious attraction between us.

With a smile on my face, I pulled out the nicest outfit I could find. Ian wouldn't know what hit him.


Ian's POV

I had been pacing for the last hour before Aimee arrived. I didn't know how to react after her confession. I kept hearing those three words over and over again. It was driving me crazy. I couldn't eat I couldn't sleep. Every second I thought about her face when she confessed, is a second I lost focus. Even my work was suffering.

It was too much to handle. Because deep down, I knew I had fallen in love with her the moment I met her. If only she really felt the same way. I knew it was all an act. There was no point in stressing about it. But that didn't stop my heart from racing the minute I heard the door bell.

Stupid heart.

I took my time making my way over to the door. And as soon as I opened it I immediately wished I had waited longer. Aimee looked amazing.

"Hey Ian." She smirked at me, and I knew in that instant that she was well aware of the effect she had on me.

"Aimee, your right on time. Sorry but Liam's running a little behind." I tried to take my eyes off her, but judging by the smirk on her face I was failing miserably. I allowed her inside before closing the door behind us. She glided, yes glided, across the room before sitting gracefully on the sofa.

Oh she's definitely aware.

"So...." She looked up at me expectantly as if I was the one who was supposed to make conversation. I casually turned my back to her pretending I hadn't heard a word. The last thing I needed was to start a conversation with the woman I was desperately trying not to love.


Saved by the bell.

"That must be Liam-"

"Ay ya rich fat cat, open this door before I bust through. Knowin tha way ya spend yer money it probably cost a pretty penny." I shook my head at Liam's antics trying to fight down a smile. There was nothing like getting together with old friends.

I yanked the door open smiling knowingly as Liam fell through.

"We'll I guessed nothing's changed. You would think you would stop leaning on doors when your waiting for them to be answered. Don't they teach you that at the bureau?" I laughed at my own joke and it wasn't long before Liam was laughing right along with me, but his laughter suddenly stopped short. There was a moment of strange silence before Liam's face broke out in a full on grin.

"Well hello Cher . Your twice as pretty as I imagined." Liam quickly brushed past me before capturing Aimee's tiny hand in his and brushing his lips against her knuckles. Much to my dismay, Aimee giggled coyly in return.

I suddenly didn't think inviting Liam was a good idea.

"Shouldn't we be getting to the evidence Lee." I grunted. No use in wasting time.

"All in good time my man. All in good time." Liam answered without even taking his eyes off Aimee's, or his hand from hers. I had the strangest urge to rip off his fingers one by one and shove them down his throat.

"Unfortunately time is a luxury we can't afford at the moment." I ground out. I couldn't tell if my headache was from grinding my teeth or from Liam's nauseating need to flirt at anything with legs.

"Looks like Ian is no fun today my lady. But I'll be sure to make time to get to know you later." Liam finished with a wink before his face turned serious.

"So, where's this gun I've heard so much about?"


Aimee's POV

It was nearly impossible to contain my glee. I wanted to jump up and down and shout it from the rooftops. Ian was jealous. There was no other way to describe the sudden change in mood he suffered from the minute Liam started flirting with me.

Currently we were sitting in the living room as Liam took a look at my fathers gun. Normally evidence would be taken to a crime lab and analyzed but our detective work wasn't exactly official, and neither me nor Ian were excited with the prospect of contacting the police. I couldn't stop stealing glances at Ian as he sat stiffly a full five feet away from me. He was just as careful not to catch my gaze.

Oh yeah, he was definitely jealous.

"You wouldn't happen to have any acetone on you, would you?" Liam's voice brought me out of my reverie. It was funny how his accent was absent now. I guessed he only used it as a tool for flirting.

"Acetone? Maybe, actually yes under the sink why?" Ian's confused face must have mirrored my own. What could he need acetone for? But then again I'm no CSI.

"Could you bring it to me please?" Liam didn't even bother to look up and I knew he must have been on to something. Ian got up and quickly returned with a very old and worn metal container of acetone.

Liam pulled out a Q-tip from his seemingly endless supply and dipped it in the acetone before rubbing on the spot with the mysterious blue substance Ian and I had noticed earlier. After a few moments he turned toward us with wide eyes.

"We'll I'll be darned!"

"What! What is it!" Ian and I jumped up simultaneously.

"It's...," Liam paused and shook his head,"It's nail polish." Liam sounded shocked and it took a moment for everything to register.

My heart stuttered and I lost my balance. Thankfully Ian was there to catch me as he gently led me back to the sofa.

"All this time. All this time I knew he didn't kill himself. All this time..." I just kept repeating it over and over again.

"Aimee.." Ian called soothingly. I lifted my watery brown eyes to his concern filled blue ones.

"I'm fine Ian. I'll be okay. At least this tells us something important." I gave him a watery smile.

"And what important thing is that?" He asked still sounding concerned.

"It tells us that my father's killer, was a woman."


I swear I'm not evil. This is as much as I could get out. I update as it comes to me so believe me when I say this is as fast as I could get this out. Thank you to all who stayed loyal. First one to

Comment gets a dedication in the next chapter. Hugz and kissez mwah.

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