Chapter 22 Glass Slippers

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I'm so sorry, I hope you enjoy this surprise.





Ian's POV

"Shelley, it's been such a long time. What're you doing here?" I had way too many things on my mind, and this unexpected visit was the last thing I needed. Anna was having lunch with Vera and Julie, and I needed to be ready for her phone call.

"Can I come in?" Shelley stared up at me impatiently, and I noticed that something in her smile was off.

"Shelley, I'm kind of in the middle of something maybe if you come back-" before I knew it she pushed her way inside. Before I could say anything she pushed her way inside.

"Ian, I've made a terrible mistake. I was angry and upset, and I thought maybe if I got back at him, then I would feel better." She started pacing quickly back and forth across the carpet.

"Shelley, what are you talking about?" She didn't stop but just continued babbling.

"I was so angry with Creed. All those years i showed up to work, all those times I tried to get close to him, and he chooses Vera. She never did anything for him. Not like I did. She didn't even love him! And then he kills himself over her. Her! He left me with nothing. I tried to move on, but I couldn't. And then," she paused and I knew something bad was coming next, something I wouldn't like, "and then she came to me."

"Who came to you? What are you saying?" Shelley took a seat on my sofa and I took the cue that maybe I needed to sit down too.

"She told me we could back at him together. She could get her hands on his company, and turn it over to me, and she would get exactly what she wanted. Her perfect little family back together. She's all about appearances you know. So she had me follow both of you, see about your relationship and how we could end it. But I never expected that things would get this bad." She buried her head in her hands, and I was too stunned to speak.

"I didn't know that she was raped," Shelley's words hung in the air, and I felt fear building. Fear of what was going to come next, " She bailed him out, and she's going to give her to him." Her voice broke on the last word, and breath left my body all at once.

I stood up suddenly knowing I had to get to that lunch.

"I have to get to Anna. She's having lunch with Vera right now." I started for the door before Shelley latched on to my arm.

"Wait! You don't know what she's capable of." She practically screamed, obviously no longer worried about others hearing.

"Of course I do, she murdered Creed." I tugged my arm away, as confusion clouded her face.

"She murdered Creed? How-"

"We found nail polish on his gun. It wasn't a suicide. I'm sorry Shelley I don't have time to waste explaining this to you. I have to get to Anna before Vera does something to her." I started for the door again but Shelley's next words stopped me in my tracks.

"Why are you worried about Vera?"


Anna's POV

"Her's your water ma'am, ill get someone to clean up the spill." Marcus stepped away and I was given some time to breathe. My mind was running over time, my body telling me to run. But my car seemed so far.

"I'll think I'll go to the bathroom now." My voice sounded distant and robotic to my own ears.

"Are you sure you'll alright?" Julie asked me.

I nodded to her, grabbed my clutch and made my way to the restroom. Once inside, I collapsed. How to get out, where to go? I had no idea. I looked up, and noticed the window.

And fight or flight took over. 

I chose flight.

I stood on top of the toilet and used my stiletto to pry the window open. I looked around the parking lost for signs of Marcus, and when I saw none. I climbed up, dropped to the ground, and sprinted barefoot to my car, heels in my hand.

Within seconds the door was unlocked, and I was inside. I looked in my rearview mirror to reverse, and screamed. 

There behind me was Ray, dead.

I stared into his lifeless eyes, for what felt like years, as tears streamed don my face. And then i noticed to note taped to his chest. I gingerly pulled it off, not wanting touch Ray's cold body.

' Ian's next, unless you come back in and act as if nothing is wrong.

You, or him?

The choice is yours.'


What will she choose. Im so sorry, its been a year, and I had no idea writing could be this hard, I have  a new found respect for pros,and extreme gratitude to you all.

Thanks for sticking with me.

Hugz and kisses


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