Chapter 3 Little Boy Blue

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This chapter will give you background on Ian and why he acts the way he does. I usually update on my phone so sorry for the bad grammar. Please please please comment and vote :-). Hugz and kissez


Aimee's breath caught as she stared into Ian's piercing blue eyes. If he recognized her from her Father's pictures all hope was lost and her plan was through. But as she stared longer she saw no recognition just emptiness and even more surprising,


"And you might be..." Aimee turned towards the question, trying to maintain her calm against May's wide brown eyes. She realized she had waited a beat to long when May leaned her head to the side causing red hair to dance in confusion at Aimee's silence.


"Aimee huh, well tell me Aimee do you make it a habit of eavesdropping." If it wasn't for the amusement in May's eyes then Aimee wouldn't have seen past her feigned annoyance.

"Not everyone, just the rich and famous." Aimee couldn't help but laugh along with May at her joke. Even Lisle had joined in at the point quickly adding,

"Rich yes, but famous..." Lisle smile was infectious and to Aimees surprise Ian immediately quipped

"More like infamous." Outwardly Aimee was giggling but inside her heart hardened even more. For deep down she knew how infamous Ian could be. Cold hearted unfeeling but, when she looked in his eyes all she saw amid the blue was sadness. She didn't realize she was staring intently at Ian until she heard May clear her throat. Aimee once again turned her attention to May's knowing eyes.

"So Aimee, what exactly are your credentials?" Lisle asked trying to direct everyone's attention away from the fact that Aimee was caught leering at Ian.

"Well I have a degree in child development." Which was true. Aimee had thought herself a teacher. Until the event happened, it had changed everything.

"And I'm really good with kids and I could really use this job." She hoped the last part would at least get her some sympathy.

"Well Ian, what do you think," Lisle was the first person to direct a question at Ian, and Aimee was surprised again when he smiled at her. The worst part was his smile made her stomach twist in knots. She told herself it had to be from loathing, though her mind knew better. For even if Ian was the object of her revenge her eyes couldn't deny that he was in a word, attractive. It didn't escape Aimee's notice that his smile never reached his eyes.

" I think I'll need a background check before I allow some stranger around my daughter." If Aimee wasn't a pre planner this probably would have scared her. But there was no way he would connect her father to her. He was, after all, not her biological father.

"Naturally" she responded with her best smile.

"Well I for one like her." May whispered to Ian

"Darling you like everyone" Lisle said rolling his eyes at his easily trusting wife. But one glare from his wife turned his eye roll into a sheepish smile.

"Anyway," Ian interrupted the couples exchange with an eye roll of his own but even Aimee could sense the closeness of the threesome. "Just come to my condo and we'll talk and get your information for a background check. I have private security that should be able to handle the task." Aimee nodded quickly in response and quickly wrote her number on the back of her now useless job application.

"Can you send the address to this number please." Aimee shoved it into his hand before he could object. And much to her surprise he smiled genuinely at what he took as enthusiasm. It was actually eagerness to be out of his company but Aimee would never let him know. She was an amazing actress.

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