Chapter 20 ???

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I am soooo eternally sorry this took so long. If you hate me I apologize. I'm a reader on wattpad too so I know how annoying it gets when writers take forever, but I just didn't have any idea. I drew a complete blank, I know where I want the story to go, but not how I wanna get there, and I don't wanna rush. I've made a lot of mistakes with this story, but I'm determined to see it through. And I will say some of you are on to me, but who's correct, who's got it figured out? Hope this throws you off my trail. Anyhoo without further adieu




??? POV

" Awww they're in love, how wonderful. And how did you find this out, through Ian I assume?" I twisted the bottle of nail polish around and around in a circle, watching as the airy blue caught the dim light shining from the single lamp in the hotel room. This phone call was already taking too much of my time. I had plans.

Wicked plans.

"Yes apparently it's getting pretty serious." Shelley whispered in hushed tones, "Are you sure this is a good idea, what if they trace this back to me?"

I sighed, trying to keep the irritation out of my voice. Shelley was such a nuisance, I abhorred babying her.

"Of course they won't trace this back to you, otherwise they would connect me too, and I'm much too smart to get caught, not after all this planning."

"Are you su-"

"Just do what I told you Shelly, nothing more, nothing less." I ended the call abruptly. God she was annoying. I reached for the bedside lamp, turning the light out, and laying back on the pillows.

The cheap disgusting hotel pillows. I would never be able to get to sleep on anything less then Egyptian cotton. All this for a stupid phone call. But if Shelley and her small brain can comprehend simple directions, I should be fine.

Patience, Patience....


My cell phone jolted me from my brief meditation.

"Hello," I answered brusquely assuming it was Shelley.

"Hello sexy." The sickly sweet tones caught me off guard. Until I realized who I was talking too.

"Well hello love, how is your first taste of freedom." I smirked, knowing he couldn't see it.

"Why do I feel like your mocking me. You know as well as I do, that I have no freedom with this shadow you attached to me."

"Oh shush shush, it will be over soon, and you'll have your ultimate prize. I'm sure Aimee will be happy to see you again." My smile grew wider at the thought.

"Her name is Anna," he growled,"and I doubt it. That whore fought her hardest to get away from me, I would have went after her if I hadn't gotten arrested. Stupid lawyer and his false promises."

"Well I can assure you Marcus, that my promises are solid, all you have to do is follow my directions." And boy did I have many of them.

"You better not be lying to me. I've waited far too long to have Anna beneath me again. I normally don't take them this old, but for her, I'll make an exception." He cackled before taking a deep breathe," I'll make the arrangements."

"Good, and call me if anything changes. I want Aimee out of my life for good." The tension from Shelley's call seemed to melt away, until I realized Marcus was practically yelling in me ear.

"What was that Marcus?"

"I said her name isn't Aimee, it's Anna" He sneered.

"Aimee, Anna, why does it matter?" Seemed like a moot point to me.

"It matters to me, because I'm the one that named her."

"Oh yes that's right." My smile was bursting now. Oh Anna Anna Anna...

Daddy's home

OMG I'm so glad to finally be able to write again. Thank you so much to those who stuck with me. I'll never be able to thank all of you, and say how much I love you guys, this chapter is dedicated to all of you, all of my fuzzy wuzzy lovelies.


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