Chapter 11 True Love's Kiss

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Hola. Howzit. So thanks for all the feedback from those who commented. Sorry a million times sorry for taking this long to update. I had to leave the state for a family emergency and I was in and out of the hospital constantly. And then when I got back I spent the next three days sick as a dog. And trust me it wasn't a cute dog. Bwahahah. Anyways thank you to those who stayed loyal. This is for you.


Ian's POV

What was Aimee doing hear?!? I was just about to pry Vera's vice like grip from my arms when I turned towards a tiny squeal. I had expected my sister or maybe one of her bimbo friends but I would have never expected Aimee of all people. And I definitely wasn't expecting to cause the hurt in her eyes.

"I-I'm s-sorry it was an a-accident." Now I had to explain. I knew Aimee only stammered when she was upset, and I'm sure she thought this embrace was more than just a friendly hug.

"Aimee it's not what you think." I didn't realize how that sounded until Vera roughly pulled away, her eyes shooting daggers at me.

"And who is this?" Vera spat.

"She's my"

"I'm the babysitter." The way Aimee said it so casually felt like I had just been slapped in the face. She had to recognize that there was so much more going on with us. Didn't she? Unless she didn't feel anything when we kissed? But then why did her eyes fill with hurt just now?

"Well I'm his wife." What the heck?!? Vera must be officially losing by the possesive tone she displayed just now.

"She's my ex-wife and we were just.."

"Ian you don't have to explain your personal life to me. I'm just your employee." With that she roughly turned on her heels and headed farther into the house. Each step she took away from me felt like another stab in my chest. I felt like I had lost her for good.

So why am I still standing here. I just needed to explain. And then she would believe me..

As I was stepping away Vera attached herself to me. I swear she's like a virus. She gave me her 'puppy dog' look. And if this was a year ago I mightve caved. But things were different now. I wrenched myself from her, and trust me there was no love lost.

I followed in the general direction Aimee was heading until I heard running water. The door to the bathroom was slightly opened so I knew she wasn't in any compromising position. I gently pushed it open all the way and she jumped in suprise, until she recognized me and her eyes immediately hardened.


"Waht you do in your private life is your business and.."

"The man Vera cheated on me with is dead." There was a tense silence as I let the word set in. Since she didn't seem like she was going to interrupt I kept going "She was completely distraught and I hugged her out of comfort, not out of any lingering feelings." I took a deep breathe at the end waiting for her reaction.

"I...I don't know why your telling me this?" She looked genuinely confused and I felt my heart sinking. Maybe she had forgotten about the kiss and maybe this was all just one-sided. But I had to at least try one more time.

I stepped foward and she backed up as I invaded her space. I took another step foward and she stepped back. This continued until her feet bumped against the shower. her eyes widened as she tooked in her situation. I took one more step foward until we were standing inches apart.

I had her trapped.


Aimee's POV

I didn't realize what was happening until we were inches apart. I was beginning to plan my escape when Ian began to lean in. I could stop him with one knee to the groin and yet here I was completely frozen in place. I could feel excitement bubbling up at the thought of his lips on mine. I closed my eyes already reveling in the sensations as I waited.

And waited.

And waited.

What the heck? I opened my eyes to see Ian with his eyes closed, his lips inches away from mine. I knew he sensed his eyes on me but he just stayed there.


"I made the first move last time. I'm allowing you to make the decision where we go next." If that was the case then I would've gotten out of this situation earlier. I roughly shoved Ian away giving him one last glare before I exited the bathroom and the house the way I came.

At least thats what I shouldve done. Instead I found myself whispering in a husky voice that didn't sound at all like mine, "I-I want you to k-kiss me." I barely registered the suprise on Ian's face before I pulled his lips to mine. His lips gently whispered across mine, and I felt myself melt into him. My entire body felt like it was on fire just from his touch. I leaned my head back adding more pressure between our mouths as he pulled me closer to him. His heart was beating wildly in his chest, I know, I could feel it. It gave me a since of pride to know I was driving him just as crazy as he was driving me. Just when he tried to deepen the kiss I pulled away. I wasn't ready for that.

He rested his head against mine as we both took slow calming breathes.

"Wow." My sentiments exactly. He smiled knowingly at me as if he could read my thoughts.

"So, what does this mean now Aimee." I just shrugged. If I thought to hard I know I would just make myself feel guilty. I hadn't heard voices in a while and I wasn't about to stress myself out too much now. Especially after we shared something as amazing as our kiss.

"How about we start with dinner?" His question caught me slightly off guard but maybe if it was only dinner..



??? POV

I stared st the surveillance picture in disbelief. Creed Matthews had a freaking daughter. How did I just find out about this? First I got rid of that scum and now I find out he has a daughter. One murder was enough for me. I hated getting my hands dirty.

But I can always wash them afterward.

My lips curved into a smile. I glared at my chauffeur, "Can you take me to the nearest convenience store, I'm running low on soap."


Aimee's POV

"You kissed." Macy's squeals almost burst my eardrums. I just finished recounting the days events.

"Yes we did. And now we're going to dinner next saturday, but.."

"Don't you even think about backing out Aimee. Think about it. Do you really no for sure that he killed your father? I mean for certain?"

I thought about it for a second. Honestly, no I didn't. I always just assumed it was him because I knew that he hated my father. Though I never took the time to find out why. In my heart I just couldn't believe someone as sweet as Ian could murder my father in cold blood.

"No I don't think he did. But then who did Macy." I added almost desperately.

"Well, I guess you'll just have to find out. And then when you do you and Ian could get married and have mini Aimees and Ians and a huge house.."

I smiled as she chattered on and on. The thought did sound nice. A house a family living in peace.


My smile faltered a litlle as my mind wrapped around the word. No, there couldn't be a happy ending for Ian and me. Because I had already made a promise for my future. A solemn promise to join my father in peace.

And I had every intention of keeping it.


Bah Bah BUM. Who do yout think is the mystery POV? Let me know in the comments. And I promise I will not take over two weeks to upload again. Thank you for sticking with this despite it. Hugz and Kissez, mwah.

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