Chapter 8 When the Clock Strikes Midnight

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Hey it's me again. We made it over 1000 woohoo. When I first started writing this I never thought anyone would read it. Thank you guys so much for reading it. This chapter is dedicated to all my readers.


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hugz and kissez mwah


Aimee's POV

My hand was burning. But why? I was standing in my old hallway puking my guts out and now my hand was burning. I blinked twice and suddenly Ian's face came into view. And then my face and every part of me was burning, but with embarassment. I knew by the shocked look in his eyes that I had just slapped him. Oh crap! What if he fires me? Then everything is screwed you idiot.

Shut up voice.

I knew better then to let my anger from the past take over, but somehow my hand reached out, seemingly on it's own, and slapped him. The scary thing is, I don't remember doing it. I could beg, but then that would be admitting wrong and would be just as bad as slapping him on purpose. Plus I would probably still get fired. Now my eyes were burning. But this time from tears.

How could I ruin everything like this. My father deserved recognition for his death. And now I've ruined everything. I nearly jumped when Ian's hand touched my shoulder. Oh no, here comes the part where he fires me.

"Aimee." By now my tears were sobs. The unattractive hiccuping kind.

"Are you alright?" Suddenly my tears stopped, and now my face was in shock, a mirror image of his face earlier.

"Because.." he was hesitant to continue, "It seems like you were having a nightmare. A bad one."

"I-I" Great job actress. Now your stammering. Just clear your throat and keep going, "I was. It felt so real. I didn't mean to slap you. I'm so sorry, and I no I shouldn't be sleeping on the job I just wanted to close my eyes for a moment because..."

He raised his ahnd and stopped me, "It's fine really, I should've known better than to forcefully wake someone in the throws of a nightmare. Anabelle must have given you a rough day then? Trust me when I say, she gets that from her mother."

His smile was full of amusement as if laughing at his own joke and I couldn't help but smile in return. Then his eyes turned serious and he leaned in closer. My heart rate increased from the sudden closeness. Why does that keep happening?

"Aimee, I know it's not my business but, what were you dreaming about?"

"Wh-Why do you want to know?" The stammering was the least of my worries now. What if hes on to me. No impossible. Ive covered all my tracks.

He looked away and his eyes had a far away look in them. 'Why was I noticing so much about his eyes?' I could only wonder. Every emotion he felt I could read clear as day in his eyes.

"I'm wondering because, I have the same problem." It was almost a whisper but I heard it nonetheless. "I usually have nightmares about my past, and they have alot to do with my home life."

"Why are you telling me this? Most people wouldn't admit something like that out loud." His face turned back to me and the intensity of his stare left me breathless.

"It's not something I would normally admit but..." He hesitated and I tried to be patient but I was screaming inside for him to finish.

"Because, when you were crying it sounded like you were saying father."

Have you ever felt frozen, completely numb of everything around you? At that moment my heart stopped beating. I was too nervous to even sweat. All I could feel was fear.

"Aimee, did your father do something to you." I could have lied. I could have made up almost anything. But in my heart I felt compelled to tell at least part of the truth.

"Yes. He raped me."


Ian's POV

I was expecting emotional abuse. Maybe something physical, but rape? I felt like the wind was completely knocked out of me. I stared at her face in shock, searching for any signs of a joke. But by the look in her eyes I knew she was serious.

"Aimee have you told anyone about this?" Almost immediately her eyes shot down and I had my answer. "Why wouldn't you tell someone?"

Her had flew back up, and tears hung at the bottom of her eyes just waiting to spill over."How could I tell someone. Besides it's not like I.." She hesitated and I immediately got the feeling that she was hiding something from me.

"Aimee I swear you can be honest with me." I put my hand on hers hoping to reassure her. "I remember you telling me that your father was dead but that doesn't mean.." She snatched her hand from mine so quick that she almost pulled me with her.

"The man who died is not the man who raped me. That piece of filth is very much alive" She spat. I must be a glutton for punishment because I reached for her hand again. This time she didn't pull away.

"So you were adopted" her eyes softened and a faint smile tugged at the corner of her lips.

"You could call it that." Something told me not to ask more. Even though I desperately wanted to know. But I didn't want to ruin this moment we were having. I didn't realize I was still holding her hand until she started tugging hers away. But I didn't want this to end. Not yet.

"Aimee I'm not going to force you to talk to anyone, your a grown women afterall." A beautiful one, but now was not the time to say that. "But I want you to know you can always talk to me."

She smiled shyly at me, eyes downcast, and I swear I would gladly die a happy man if that was the last image I ever saw.

"Thank you. I-I umm... D-don't know why your being so kind to me." She shook her head slightly causing some of her dark curls to fall into her face. Without thinking I reached out and pushed them behind her ear. Her hair felt softer than I could have imagined. After that one touch I knew I couldn't stop there.

I trailed my hand down the side of her cheek my breath catching in my throat at it's smoothness. I found myself nearly praying that she wouldn't stop me. When I got to her chin I slowly tilted her face up until her eyes met mine. She looked unsure but as soon as I started leaning in her eyes shut and her lips parted slightly. Forget what I said before, please let this be the last image I see before I die. My heart rate increased the closer I got until I could feel her breathe mingling with mine. My lips barely touched hers and I was lost.

"WAAAAHHHH!!!!" Of all the times for Anabelle to scream she would choose now. Aimee's hands that were once gripping my chest were now forcefully pushing me away and I tried to stifle my groan at the loss of contact. Her eyes shot daggers at me and I pleaded with my own hoping that she wouldn't quit.

"That was a mistake and that will NEVER happen again." She quickly turned on her heels and practically ran out of the room, slamming the door shut as she left. I stood up making my way slowly to the crib. As I hoisted my daughter up I found myself smiling like a love-sick fool. The kiss may have been brief, but it was enough to leave me wanting more. And as I shushed my beautiful baby girl I spoke to her knowing she wouldn't understand me.

"Interrupting me with another women already. You are definitely your mother's daughter." Funny thing is, she stopped crying almost immediately. Staring up at me with wide understanding eyes.

I guess she understands more than I thought.


Please let me know what you think. Comment, comment, comment. I need your thoughts to keep going. (puppy eyes) Trust me. I really hate typing. Hugz and Kissez.

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