Chapter 21 Maleficent

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I have no excuses sorry, but my writers block has been ridiculous sooo here goes nothing





Aimee's POV

Have you ever woken up, gotten out of bed, and no sooner do your feet touch the ground than you feel like it was going to be a very bad day?

That was exactly how I felt.

It was the day of my luncheon with Vera and Julie, and everything was going wrong. First, I jumped in the shower, and was so distracted that I not only cut my right leg shaving, but I completely forgot to shave my left. Which meant I basically showered twice. Then, while putting on my makeup, I got mascara all over myself. Don't even ask me how, I don't know. Finally, when zipping up my, brand new mind you, summer dress, the zipper snaps.

I should've just stayed home, but did I? Nope. Going to lunch was far too important. If there was even a small chance that Vera was my fathers killer, I knew I had to jump on that. It was the only lead we had. After this we were back to square one.

These thoughts continued to run through my head, during the short drive to Chez Francois. And even when I put my car in park the thoughts did not cease. If anything they increased.
The walk to the sleek glass doors felt like a death march. And even the soothing music within did nothing to calm me.

"Aimee, over here!" Julie obviously always lacked subtlety, with the way she yelled across the classy restaurant.

I made my way over to the bar where Julie, Vera, and another mysterious blonde woman were sitting.

"Good afternoon ladies." I pasted on my brighter smile and sat down folding my hands in my lap.

"Good to see you again Aimee, our first meeting was a little awkward." Vera was the first to speak, and I wanted nothing more than to wipe that smug smile from her face.

" Well I'm glad we could meet on better terms now." No matter what I wouldn't break my calm.

"I agree. Oh, Aimee this is my Mother Jacqueline. Mother this is Aimee."

Jacqueline reached across her daughter and held out a perfectly manicured hand.

"Charmed." She bared her perfectly white teeth, and it felt vaguely like a grimace than a smile.

I reached in to take her hand and immediately froze. There right in front of me, we're five nails. Five airy light blue nails.

"Is everything alright Aimee?" I snapped out of it at Jacqueline's question.

"Yes I was just admiring your nail polish." My heart was going a mile a minute. "Where did you get it?"

Jacqueline's smile widened, " Oh this color, it's specially made. There is only one manicurist in town that carries it. We all just went and got our nails done, see?" At that Julie and Vera simultaneously held out their hands, and my stomach dropped. They were all wearing the same color. And things were starting to feel like a dead end again.

" Well it's very beautiful. Where did you say this manicurists was?" Maybe if I found the place, I could get my hands on the client list. Or Liam with his FBI connections could.

"It's on fifth street right between- oh there's the waiter." Jacqueline stopped without finishing and raised one of her perfect hands to get the waiters attention.

I heard his steps closing in behind me, and book marked this conversation for later. I lifted up my water and took a sip, hoping to fix my dry mouth brought on by all this stress.

"Sorry for leaving the bar unattended, we're a little short staffed today." The bartender began speaking in his gravelly voice.

" It's alright darling. Aimee, why don't you order something to drink. My treat." Jacqueline looked at me expectantly.

I had yet to lift up my head from the drink menu, and was slightly irritated that I had to go first being the last to arrive.

" Sure I'll take a-" My words died on my lips at the same time that my water glass fell from my hands.

And it all made sense now.

The bad feelings.

The shaving cut.

The mascara.

The broken zipper.

All this was only a preamble, a series of small terrible moments leading up to this horrifying discovery. Because there standing in front of me was the object of my nightmares. The monster who disturbed my sleep and haunted my life.

And for the first time in a long time, I heard them. The voices, dim but still evident. Calling me a whore, telling me
I was worthless. But now they had a face.

The face of the man in front of me.

"Oh Marcus, I had no idea you worked here. Maybe you could clean up this broken glass, Aimee seems to have had a fright." I turned towards Jacqueline expecting some explanation for their acquaintance, but when I noticed the smug smile on her face, I knew.

I thought I was in control.

But she was. And she just showed her hand.

And I was folding.


Ian's POV

I was waiting patiently for Aimee's phone call to let me know how lunch went. I was pretty convinced that Vera had nothing to do with the murder, so I had no reason to worry.

I stared at my cell for an interminable amount of time until the doorbell rung.

I rushed to it expecting it to be Aimee, but when I pulled it open without checking to see I quickly jerked back in surprise.

"Hello Ian. Expecting someone else?"



MWAHAHHAHAH almost to the climax. What is their plan!!!! thank you to all those who stuck with me. This goes out to you!
Hugz and kisses

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