Chapter 12 Illusion

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I guess I understimated the power of writers block please dont hate me im seriously trying. Thank you for all the people who stayed loyal. It's over 4,000 now and it's been incredible. Thank you to all my fans and readers. You are all amazing and I appreciate each and every one of you. Hugz and Kissez Mwah

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Without further ado..


Aimee's POV

I had forgotten how much I hated dating. Until now. There was multiple outfits thrown across my floor on into my closet. Dating had a way of making you feel that you had absolutely nothing to wear. And Macy was absolutely no help whatsoever. She was too busy mooning over a text from Dev.

I ripped off my tenth shirt and resisted the urge to scream.

"Just take a break." Macy didn't even look up from her phone when she spoke.

"Oh are you still here?" I snapped. Macy stopped twirling her now red hair long enough to send a glare at me before immediately returning to her phone.

Pfft. I guess that answers my question.

"Macy please, Ian will be here any minute and I'm not even fully dressed. Or almost dressed for that matter." Macy sighed and finally put away her phone.

"Black mini dress, white jacket, electric blue pumps." Without even a second glance she pulled her phone back out and returned to texting not even missing a beat. If it wasn't for the fact that the outfit was perfect I would have wrung her neck.

I quickly shoved my mini dress over my head and set to work on my makeup. Just when I was adding the final touches the doorbell rung. My heart went into overdrive as I grabbed my jacket and slipped on my heels before heading towards the door. I took a deep calming breath and put on my best smile before opening the door.

"Hey you're early I was..." The smile immediately fell from my face as I took in the man standing before me.

He ran his hands slowly through his curly black hair before smiling tentaviely.

"Aimee, It's been a while."

With my heart in my throat I willed myself to speak.

"R-Ray?" Without a second thought I threw myself into his arms.


Ian's POV

I couldn't believe I was late. Lisle just had to have a meeting right when I was leaving. Aimee was probably thinking I was standing her up by now. At least the meeting was good news. MC Entertainment was ours. His daughter didn't even put up a fight. Apparently no one had seen her in months and the board of directors was more then happy to get a bankrupt company off it's hands. I couldn't help but smirk. I know we shouldn't speak ill of the dead but Matthews had it coming. He had taken far too much from me and now everything he had was mine.

I whistled a happy tune as I jumped in my car. The song died on my lips when I realized the clock read 9:19. I was supposed to meet Aimee at 7:00! I was over two hours late. I stepped on the gas full force speeding the short ten minute drive to the address Aimee had given me. I barely turned the key before I sprinted out the door and up the stairs to her apartment. As I approached The door I heard laughter going on inside.

That's wierd.

I expected crying, maybe even yelling, but laughter? I was just about to knock when my ears perked up at the sound of Aimee's voice. I would recognize it anywhere, considering I had been hearing it in my thoughts for days.

"So Ray why would you come back if Creed is dead."

Creed? It had to be a coincidence. There was no way she could be talking about Matthews. How would she even know him to begin with.

"Come on Anna you can't honestly believe Creed would kill himself. He would never leave you alone like that."

Oh God. They were talking about Matthews. But why? And Anna? Nothing was making sense. Why would he be calling Aimee by the name Anna.

"No I don't believe it but I have no direct proof as of yet." I could barely make out her sigh as my body tensed. Something was seriously up.

"That's why I'm here Anna. Let me help you. This will go much faster if you let me. What about that one guy you were following? I thought that lead was promising."

"It was. And I honestly thought I was finally getting close to him, but now I'm not so sure."

"Really, why is that."

"Becuase...He just stood me up."

All the oxygen in my lungs seemed to be escaping all at once. I stumbled down the stairs and back to my car. I slumped in my seat as I went over what I had just heard in my head. It all lead to one conclusion. Aimee or Anna whatever her name was, is playing me. She felt nothing for me whatsoever and was getting close to me for information.

My heart slowly turned to ice as I let anger take over the hurt. I should have never let myself get close to her. I knew it was a mistake. I had tried love and had failed, that should have been my lesson.

I picked up the phone and swallowed my anger before dialing Aimee's number.

"Hey Aimme it's Ian. I'm sorry I didn't make it. Trust me there is an actual explanation for my absence. Call me back when you get this, Beautiful. I'll be waiting."

I hung up the phone before slamming my fist against the steering. If she thinks she can play me like this then she is obviously mistaken. Besides,

Two can play at this game.

The next phone call I made was to my father. He answered it sounding sleepy and for a second I thought I heard my mother's voice when he picked up. Eww.

"What do you want son?"

"Dad did Creed have any past girlfriends by the name of Anna."

" Why? Is this really that urgent that you had to call me this late."

I rolled my eyes, late seriously. Old people pfft. "Dad it's only nine thirty. Can you just check please."

" Fine I'll get back to you tomorrow." he didn't even wait for me to respond before he hung up in my ear. But I couldn't let myself get frustrated.

Because by tomorrow I would know exactly who Aimee was.


??? POV

I watched Ray leave Aimee's apartment. So he was back in town after all. No matter. His appearance was of no consequence. MCE had been sold and it was too late in the process to halt it. I thought that would signal the end of my quest but obviously not. Anna Matthews was still living. And when she drew her last breath all my problems would be over.

Get ready Anna. Your end is near.


I hoped you guys liked it :-) Sorry that it took so long and sorry for the shortness, but writing is hard. Waaah. Just kidding. So who is the mystery murderer. And now that Aimee's secret is partially out what do you think will happen? Lemme know in the comments hugz and kissez.

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