Chapter 5 Cinderella

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hey you guys. Thank you so much for reading. Pretty pretty please comment. I desperately need feedback. Sometimes, okay alot of times, i get writers block so please help me. Thank you very berry much...mwah :-{}


Ian's POV

I waved my hand hoping it would catch her attention, and when I saw her look up I started walking towards the stairs. Anabelle looked like an angel now but if she woke, let's just say it would be slightly less than heavenly. It didn't take long for me to notice she wasn't behind me. I turned around to see what was keeping her and what I saw twisted my heart.

The saddest brown eyes I had ever seen were staring back at me. Tears where rolling gently down her pain stricken face and she was gently holding herself as if she would fall apart at any moment. I knew that look. I had seen it on my mother's face many times, but this time was so different. With my mother, I was so wrapped up in my own bitterness that I had no desire to do anything about her pain, but with Aimee I almost needed to fix her pain.

I didn't know where this feeling was coming from but I couldn't bear listening to her soft sobs anymore. I quickly closed the gap between us and took her fully into my arms. I had meant to make her feel protected from whatever was causing her such sadness but as she leaned into me I felt somehow safe. The feeling to kiss her was so strong in that moment, but I knew it would be wrong. I barely knew her and it wasn't what she needed right now.

She pulled away so abruptly that it nearly toppled me over. She held her head down so I couldn't see her face. I waiting holding my breathe as she gently lifted her face towards me and her feelings were written in her eyes.


But why would she feel guilty. We hadn't dne anything wrong. Unless.... She was with someone and she felt like she was betraying him by holding me. I am an idiot. Of course someone as beautiful as her would already be in a relationship. Not that it matteres! We were together mearly on business. But that embrace. The feel of her body left my arms tingling. But if it was causing her guilt...

"I'm sorry" We both said in unison. I was confused. What did she have to be sorry for? She must of sensed my confusion because she opened her mouth before I could ask.

"I didn't mean to get emotional really, I recently lost someone very close to me, and it hit me all of a sudden when I saw you holding your daughter."

Me holding my daughter. That must mean the person she lost was her father, or her mother. But sense she did say it was me I guess ill go with father.

"I'm sorry about your father." As soon as the last word left my mouth her face became a picture of shock and suprise,

"How did you know" she questioned warily.

"I just guessed" I saw relief shoot through her body as she let her shoulders go slack. It was amazing how after one embrace I was noticing every movement of her body her body. An awkward silence streched between us and I had no idea what to say. I mean honestly what does one say at this moment.

"So," She asked me gently.

"Yes" I raised my eyebrows expectantly. I couldn't help but think she was about to say something serious from her tone of voice. But my thoughts all came crashing down with her next words

"I guess I got the job then." Amusement twinkled in her eyes. And for the first time in the past six months I did somehing I never thought I'd be able to do again.

I laughed.


Aimee's POV

I had meant to simply break the awkward silence between us. I expected him to gawk at my comment. I never expected his laugh and I MOST definitely wasn't expecting how pleasant it sounded. His already deep voice became slightly softer when he laughed and it made me feel as if the sun was smiling on me. Wow that sounded sappy. But it's not like I had feelings for him. It was just nice hearing him laugh. Once he was done and his shoulders stopped shaking his face turned thoughtful. but I could still see the amusement in his eyes.

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