Chapter 1

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After the morning interaction with Kyoko, she carried him and the other two with her to the kitchen where breakfast was already made.

Y/N 'thought': Well this is a rather interesting start. Being adopted into this family is rather odd. Then again, it's better than being left to mother nature.

Kyoko set him in a baby seat along with the other two.

Y/N 'thought': Well guess she's going to feed me. Judging from the food seems rather normal food. Said as he mentally sighs. Though it's gonna be baby food for me. Gross.

Kyoko sat down at the table and started to feed them.

Kyoko: Say ah.

Y/N watched her feed her two daughters.

Y/N 'thought': Well since I'm a part of this family guess these two are now my sisters. Looking at them, Reiko seems to be the rather feisty one while Jazmin seems to be the calm one.

She scooped up some of the food as she fed them and started to feed him.

Koyko: Come on Y/N, say ah.

Y/N 'thought': Hey easy lady. No need to force-feed me.

She fed him some of the food and he was surprised by the taste of it.

Y/N 'thought': Well this food she's feeding me is rather good. Even if it's just baby food.

As she fed him Reiko threw some of her food and it hit his face. Kyoko looked at her as she seemed rather happy.

Y/N 'thought': Seriously? Does she really need to do that?

Kyoko: Now don't be throwing your food at your brother Reiko.

Reiko laughed as she smiled.

Y/N 'thought': Well she'll be a rather rambunctious sister. One that'll be rather annoying from time to time.

Kyoko wiped the food off his face as she smiled.

Y/N 'thought': Though I guess things won't be that bad. I'm rather curious about what else this world has to offer. However, if I'm the only human in this whole place, I better know how to fend for myself. Otherwise, things will get a whole lot harder than before.

After she finished wiping the food off his face, she fed Reiko and Jazmin along with eating her food. Once they finished eating breakfast, Koyko carried the three of them to a separate room for them to play.

Kyoko: Now no fighting. Mommy has to take care of a few things. She'll be right back.

She left the three of them to play as Y/N thought to himself.

Y/N 'thought': Well guess she has things to take care of. Can't really blame her. She did take me in so it wouldn't be surprising if there are other people or what not saying it's stupid to take me in. Guess those difficult times have already begun. *sighs* Why did I have to get teleported here?

As he thought about it, Reiko crawled over to him and pushed him down.

Y/N 'thought': Ow! Jeez, did she really have to push me over?

Reiko crawled on top of him rather happily as she slapped him lightly.

Y/N 'thought': Well I guess she's going to be the clingy type. Though you need to stop slapping me!

Y/N struggled to push her off as Jazmin crawled over to him looking at him. The two of them looked at him for a moment before pulling his hair.

Y/N 'thought': Hey! Why are you pulling my hair?! Why the hell is this even happening?!

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