Chapter 18

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Morning came the next day and things went as usual, but Y/N was isolating himself further from everyone. However, it was somewhat difficult with Yuriko as she was rather stubborn, rather Y/N couldn't really force himself to tell her to back off but managed somewhat. As soon as school was over each day, Y/N bolted home and threw himself into his training not wanting to be around them any more than what was needed. Apart from his usual training methods, he started to practice different breathing methods that he could recall from his world. Right now, he needs to get all kinds of advantages that he can while pushing himself to the absolute limits of his strength if he wants to have a chance in living in this world. 

While he was at school, he sensed that someone was watching him but he didn't really care. There were times that he went to the school library sitting in a secluded area reading various kinds of books. Of course, he did get into a few fights with the upperclassmen who thought he was a weakling but were sorely given a proper beat down.

Right now, he was laying on the school rooftop skipping class as he didn't feel like going to it.

Y/N: I'm seriously getting bored attending school right now. Yet I got to deal with it for another 2 years or so. *sighs* I fucking hate this shit.

???: Skipping class, huh?

Y/N sat up wondering who it was that spoke to him. Though when he did, he was a bit suprised to see who it was but didn't show it.

Y/N 'thought': And there is the ANIME CLICHE!!! The childhood friend finally shows up after so long

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Y/N 'thought': And there is the ANIME CLICHE!!! The childhood friend finally shows up after so long. Bust out the happy joyful party streamers, music, and whatever because this should be a really happy moment. Said utterly irritated. Yeah, not fucking happening.

???: Not gonna say anything?

Y/N: Were you expecting me to be happy? Sorry but not gonna happen. Said as he lay back down.

???: Wow. Way to be an asshole.

Y/N: Thank you for the lovely compliment! Please continue doing so, so I can feel even better about my life. Said waving his hand in the air. What, you want a damn cookie or something as a reward.

???: Oh ha ha. Jeez, I bet you don't even remember me.

Y/N: With fur like yours, along with the red-colored eyes, you are obviously Loona, who is the girl I saved from some dickags a long time a galaxy far far away. Said in a sarcastic tone.

Loona's eye twitched in annoyance as she folded her arms feeling rather irritated.

Y/N: Wait, hold up! I sense that you are utterly pissed off at me for what I just said, corrrrrrrrrrrrect!!! Said as he pointed at her. By all means, I know I'm right but I just wanna hear it from you, mut.

Loona: Are you seriously trying to act like a total jackass?

Y/N: Oh come on isn't it fucking obvious? Clearly, I am so you can just leave me the hell alone. Besides, shouldn't you be in class doing whatever?

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