Chapter 17

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Y/N remained silent as he stared at the tall muscular dog-woman standing in front of him. The two of them stared at each other waiting to see what the other was going to do.

Y/N 'thought': Ok. Not only is she muscular, but she is also taller than me. Hell, my head practically fits between those breasts while she can rest her head on mine. Am I seriously gonna deal with even more tall muscular busty women later on?.....AGH!!!! I JUST JINX MYSELF!!!!!!

???: Who the heck are you?

Y/N: Nick's friend. What's it to you mut?

???: Hoo? Calling me a mut, huh? Said smirking. Think you can beat me?

Y/N: Nah, I don't want to get fleas from you. Of course, I don't deal with tiny pea brains dumbasses.

Apparently, this annoyed her as Y/N noticed her eye twitch in anger.

Y/N: Then again, I doubt you got one from your presence. Am I right?

???: That's big talk coming from a runt like you? Gonna cry to your mommy?

Y/N: Better than a muscle-brain idiot like you. Of course, I think either a cavewoman or barbarian works for you.

She started to growl in annoyance as she clenched her fists.

???: Are you trying to piss me off?

Y/N: Oh no, no no no no I wouldn't do that.

???: Really?

Y/N: Pfff, yeah I would stupid dog. Smug smirking.

This pissed her off and she threw a right punch at him. Y/N quickly blocked her punch while dropping her bag. Both of them glared at each other as Y/N held her fist firming in his hand.

???: Not bad. Said smirking. You manage to catch that.

Y/N: Is that all ya got? Cause that seemed like a lousy punch to me which I barely felt.

???: Hoo? Think you can beat me in a fight?

Y/N: Against a muscle-brain idiot like you, I can manage.

???: THAT'S ENOUGH!!!!!

Both of them froze in their places as they looked behind them see Kimiko standing behind them with her arms folded. She gave off an intense aura similar to how Kyoko is when she's angry.

Kimiko: Just what exactly are the two of you doing?

???: W-Well, I was about to come in but this jerk bumped into me.

Y/N: Yeah right. More like when I opened to leave but you blocked the way, stupid mut.

???: What was that?!

Kimiko quickly whacked both of them on the head leaving a nasty bump.

Kimiko: That's enough out of both of you. Revy, you should be more polite to him.

Revy: S-Sorry.

Y/N 'thought': Jeez, she hits just as hard as Kyoko. Just what the hell is it with these women in this damn world!?!?

Kimiko: Sorry about her Y/N. This is Revy my other daughter.

Y/N: It's alright. I need to get going anyway.

Kimiko: Is that so?

Y/N: Yeah. Later.

He walked past Revy as he gave her a side look.

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