Chapter 24

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Dark grey clouds fill the skies above the city with rain continuing to pour down after starting yesterday evening. As the rain continued to pour down, lighting occurred every so often. Every so often lightning would strike lighting rods scattered throughout the city. Loona was sitting on her bed, hugging her knees tightly to her chest as she couldn't sleep last night.  She felt utterly broken and hurt for not being able to stop Y/N. The scene from last night played nonstop in her mind repeatedly throughout the whole night as no matter what she did, Y/N always vanished into the darkness. Tears fell down her face as she gritted her teeth feeling so hopeless for not being able to save him.

Loona: I'm so pathetic. I fucking hate this.

She pulled the covers over her trying to vanish from the world.

Meanwhile, at the hidden base where Nikolai and the others were, he walked into the med bay where Strelkov sat at his desk.

Nikolai: Ah Streklov. How is our friend?

Strelkov: The boy? PHA!! Ty chertov mudak.(You damn asshole) Just made you think coming here was a good idea? You owe me big time.

Nikolai: Ah come no. I knew you could save him. Besides, he's the one I've been watching for a while now. Of course, we can recruit him after he graduates.

Strelkov: You can't be serious?

Nikolai: I am. I recorded this a while ago when he saved a hellhound from something rather unpleasant.

Nikolai pulled out his phone and pulled up the video of when Y/N killed the thugs who were harassing Loona. He handed it over to Strelkov as he watched it while leaning back in his seat. While the video played Strelkov wasn't impressed at first but was intrigued by what he saw. He chuckled slightly seeing how quickly Y/N was able to kill the thugs and the way he killed the last one.

Strelkov: Not bad.

Nikolai: Right? I was rather impressed by how quickly and ruthlessly he killed those weaklings.

Strelkov: They didn't find the bodies?

Nikolai: Nope. I took care of them myself so they wouldn't find them.

Strelkov: Where does he go to school anyway? Seems like he has some experience.

Nikolai: He's attending that Shinobi school on the other side of town. The one Kyoko Usagi runs.

Strelkov: Oh so he is some kind of shinobi or something?

Nikolai: That he is. Plus, he is the adoptive son of Kyoko as well.

Strelkov: Zamolchi. Suprised. Eto pravda? (Shut up. Is that true?)

Nikolai: Kak solntse v nebe. (As the sun in the sky.)

Strelkov: Well, if he does join us, he will be under your care

Nikolai: Of course! I'm sure the others will be very interested in meeting him. Espically Dasha and Nika.

Strelkov: Hahahahaha!!! Oh, that will be interesting to see.

Nikolai: So is he up yet?

???: I'm already up ya fuckstains.

Nikolai and Strelkov looked over and saw that Y/N was already up.

Strelkov: Hey! You should be in bed!

Y/N: Shut it owl twit. I'm fine.

Strelkov: Bred sivoy kobyly!! (Bullshit) Nearly all your bones were broken so you can't possibly-.

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