Chapter 22

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Y/N was terrified as no words could describe how he was feeling. His past experience of fear shook him quite a bit in the past, but this time, it was something overwhelming.

Clockwerk: Hehehehe, it seems that you're utterly terrified.

Y/N: W-What.....what do you want?

Clockwerk: Curious are we? Indeed you must have your own questions that you wish to ask. Perhaps as to how I know your true name and the names of your friends? Though...I'm sure are also curious as to know how a fictional character is now alive and breathing.

The more Clockwork spoke, the more terrified he felt as breathing slowly started to become impossible to do so.

Clockwerk: Tell me, do you think you've traveled into some alternate reality? One in which humans never existed in the first place? Where all the characters that you know are now breathing and moving as actual individuals and not a silly show you used to watch with your friends?

Y/N: J-Just what are you talking about?

Clockwerk: From the day you arrived, you were taken in by Kyoko Usagi and raised as one of her own children. Despite this, everyone has viewed you as a freak, a monster an abomination that should be eliminated. Surely you know how this relates to how you humans treated each other? Isn't that what humanity has done throughout its history? Treating others as enemies that seem strange to each other, wanting to belittle them, label them as freaks, abominations?

Y/N didn't know what to say as he was frozen in place.

Clockwerk: I've been monitoring the emergence of an integral anomaly from one emergence to the next. As for for this would be the supposed 13th integral anomaly that has occurred in this world.

Y/N: W-What? Barely able to speak. W-What do?

Clockwerk: You were not the only human that somehow managed to emerge within this world as there have been 12 others before you that managed to survive the......trip through the portal that Joytech used.

This was an utter shock to him, and he was completely blown away by hearing this.

Clockwerk: Judging by your expression this information came as quietly as a shock to you.

Y/N: Y.....You''re lying. Y-You have to be lying.

Clockwerk: Oh? Do you really think so? Perhaps this will change your mind.

The screen changed as Y/N's eyes widened in utter horror as it showed the same day that he and his friends went to see the gate that Joytech was showing.

Y/N: N-No. T-T-That's the.

Clockwerk: The day you and your friends went to see the gate the company Joytech did a public showing that they've created a new form of travel. However, that failed miserably as it had.....severe consequences.

He watched as it show the moment where everything went to hell and even show him being sucked into the portal.

Clockwerk: By this point, you were sucked into the portal never to be seen again. Those foolish humans tried to shut down the gate in hopes of stopping things but it was far too late. For once they powered that led to their own extinction.

Dozens of various winged monsters surged through the portal as they started attacking everything in sight, turning it into an utter horror movie. People were turned to ash, being eaten alive and others being crushed by them as felt utterly sick to his stomach.

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