Chapter 10

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As such the sparring match went on as Y/N was mostly on the defensive while trying to throw in some attacks here and there. Jin easily deflected Y/N's attacks as he was enjoying himself and seeing how fast Y/N was adapting. As they continued their sparring, Jin changed the pace of his attacks while trying to see if Y/N was going to slip up. However, Y/N was able to keep up with him for the most part but more of Jin's attacks started to connect. Y/N tried his best to keep up but he got hit with a powerful kick to his stomach as he skidded back to the other side of the training hall before collapsing to one knee and breathing heavily.

Jazmin: A-Amazing. He can keep up with Father.

Reiko:  No kidding. Hehehe, this is so fun to watch!!

Kyoko remained silent as she was suprised at how well he was able to keep up with Jin. When she looked at Jin, she saw that he was smiling and enjoying himself. As for him, he was rather impressed by Y/N's progress being trained under Kumatetsu.

Jin 'thought': He is certainly strong for his age. I can see that Reiko and Jazmin will have to try extra hard to keep up with him. Though, I think there might be more to this kid.

Y/N was trying to steady his breathing while trying to come up with a strategy as his sweat dripped onto the floor.

Y/N 'thought': Damn. I knew that fights in anime were tough but fighting is another damn issue. However, I think that I got a good idea of his fighting style for the most part or so I hope. He hasn't used that substitution technique yet.

He looked at Jin with a calm look.

Y/N 'thought': Alright. He's strong hand-to-hand as I'm nowhere near his level. However, I might have the advantage when it comes to being creative. Well, I might as well try that move Vegeta used against Cabba when they first fought. I just hope he'll fall for it. Then again, the only way to see if it works is to test it out.

Jin: Think you can still go on?

Y/N: Yeah. Said getting to his feet. I can still fight and I'll make sure to land a hit on you.

Jin: Oh, you think so? Said smirking. You can try but I don't think you can at your current strength.

Y/N: Well only one way to find out!!!

He dashed towards him as Jin readied himself. Y/N unleashed a furry of punches and kicks as Jin deflected them.

Reiko: Wow. N/N is going all out.

Jazmin: Yeah.

Y/N continued launching his attacks as he adjusted as fast as he could trying to land a hit. Jin continued to block and deflect his attacks but sensed that the attacks were getting faster.

Jin 'thought': He's adjusting his attacks after each one. I don't think I ever fought against anyone who adjusts their attacks so quickly. Not to mention, he's putting more power into them. Just how is he able to do this?

Jin continued to be on the defensive as he was slowly starting to have some trouble. Reiko and Jazmin watched with anticipation wondering what was going to happen next as Kyoko was rather intrigued by how well Y/N was doing against Jin. As this went on, Jin decide to throw a right jab at Y/N which connected causing Y/N to stop. However, Y/N did three jabs before going for a low sweep.

Jin: Sorry but that won't work. Said avoiding it. You're gonna try harder.

Y/N jumped into the air as he spun ready to land an overhead ax kick on Jin.

Jin: An overhead ax kick? Sorry, but that won't work.

Jin slowly got ready to block the attack smirking at him. Just as Y/N's attack was about to connect he smirked at Jin which confused him.

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