Chapter 27

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Krystal: Mother, who are these people?

Arrei: These are the people that your father hired to protect us for this summer. They're also known as the Snow Warriors.

Krystal: Oh they're led by that Nataliya woman that visited us last year, right?

Arrei: That's correct. This rather interesting young man is their newest member. Motioning to Y/N.

Kyrstal looked at Y/N who was picking his ear with his pinky finger while he leaned his head to the side, not utterly caring as to where he was.

Krystal: He's......a rather odd one, mother. I don't think he can do much.

Arrei: Well, he is the adoptive son of Kyoko Usagi, a renowned shinboi.

Kyrstal: Is that so? Though he looks...

Y/N: Weird? A freak of nature? A monster?

Kyrstal looked at him not sure how to answer him.

Y/N: Before you say anything, I don't give a crap as to what you call me. I'm here to do a job with Nikolai and the others. So feel free to say whatever you want about me. End of the day if your blue fluffy ass is in some kind of trouble whatever it is, I'll get you to safety regardless of the method I have to use. Even if that involves you kicking and hitting me.

Vortex: Jeez man, you need to relax more. They are of noble status.

Y/N: And I'm the, oh so ugly freak of nature of a distinguished shinobi clan of Kyoko Usagi who has two daughters, Reiko and Jazmin. Sarcastically. Noble status or not, I'm doing this job as ME, not the son of Kyoko Usagi or whatever. The decisions that I make while working with you are MY OWN. So if I happen to get into some kind of fight with some arrogant cocky noble fucktards, that's on me. As in, you guys just fuck off and mind your own business.

Vortex was a tad annoyed hearing this as Nikolai chuckled.

Nikolai: He may be a rather cocky and arrogant young man.

Y/N: OI!!!

Nikolai: But he can hold his own in a fight. When he joined us, he got into a rather big fight with some of the other members and was able to hold his own. He was able to go toe to toe against Vortex here.

Burcu: Is that so?

Vortex: Yeah. He was able to handle himself well. Smiles. Even when I was going easy on him.

Y/N: Tch, please. I'm sure I could last a good while if you fought seriously ya damn mut.

Vortex: Hehehe, I doubt that.

Y/N was rather irritated hearing this causing his eye to twitch.

Arrei: Then how about a demistration? Said as she looked at Krystal. How about we have you spar against Y/N, Krystal? Perhaps sparing with him could be very helpful.

Krystal: A sparing match? Against him?

Arrei: Certainly. Would that be alright with you, Y/N? Said looking at him.

Y/N: Yeah sure whatever. Just don't blame me if she gets hurt during the sparring match.

Krystal: I can hold my own. I've been training since I was a little girl.

Y/N: Oh how lovely, shall I fetch something for you as a reward, milady? Sarcastically. I've been training since I was little as well to become a shinobi.  So need to go bragging about that like it's some kind of big accomplishment.

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