Chapter 6

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Y/N didn't say anything as he simply stared at the tall buxom rabbit woman standing a couple of feet away from him.

Y/N 'thought': OK. First off, why the HELL am I getting Mirko from My Hero Academia vids from her!!!! Like seriously!?!?!?! Are ALL the women in this world have ridiculously large massive breasts!?!?!?! Jeez, I can't imagine the back pains they'll have.

???: Hehehe, you know up close you're rather cute. Said as she smiles. I kind of wish I had found you before Kyoko.

Y/N: You know her? Rather surprise.

???: Of course. She and I are old friends.

Y/N: That so?

She didn't say anything walking towards him. As she walked he clearly saw her breasts bouncing with every step.

Y/N 'thought': Good god, if those dumbasses saw her walk, they'd lose their minds.

She stopped in front of him bringing her face close to his making him feel very uncomfortable.

???: My, I wonder just how handsome you'll be when your older~.

Y/N 'thought': BAD VIBES, BAD VIBES!!!!!

Suddenly, another person appear snatching Y/N from her before leaping back as kunais struck the ground where she stood.

???: Hehehe, a bit touchy are we, Kyoko?

She looked to the right seeing Kyoko holding Y/N close with his head between her breasts.

Kyoko: What do you want, Olga? Said rather annoyed.

Olga: I just wanted to see about this boy you took in from what a little birdy told me.

Kyoko didn't say anything as she held Y/N tightly.

Y/N 'thought': Hey! You're kind of suffocating me!!

Olga: I'm not gonna do anything so just relax. It's just a simple visit.

Kyoko: Somehow I highly doubt that.

Olga: Oh relax will ya? No need to be so overprotective.

Kyoko: With you, I have to.

Olga: That so? Jealous that I might take him from you?

Kyoko: Olga. Said with a hint of anger.

Olga: Hehehe, just messing with you. Well, I'll leave ya alone. Later.

She vanished via a puff of smoke while Kyoko look at the spot where Olga was. Little did she know that she was hugging Y/N too tightly as he tried to break free to get some air. She quickly snapped back to her senses letting go of Y/N as he fell back gasping for air.

Y/N: I can breathe again!!

Kyoko: Sorry about that sweetie. Are you alright?

Y/N: Yeah aside from you nearly suffocating me. Said pouting in annoyance.

She giggled as Y/N got back onto his feet.

Y/N: Who was that?

Kyoko: That was Olga. She's another shinobi and an old friend.

Y/N: Really?

Kyoko: Yes. That aside, what are you doing out here? Some kind of special training?

Y/N: Somewhat. I was in the middle of my training when she showed up.

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