Chapter 4

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After coming back from the hospital and resting for a few days, he returned to training with Kumatetsu. Needless to say, the training was rather harsh to the point where he had a few broken bones. However, he didn't care as he endure the hellish training day after day. Whenever he wasn't training, Reiko was always clinging to him like glue no matter what. Jazmin was annoyed seeing this as she would take him from her the moment she wasn't around. As for Y/N, he was annoyed by the two of them fighting over him but at the same time never really cared. Of course, Kyoko often spoiled him regardless of who was around which made him feel rather embarrassed and uncomfortable.

Aside from this, life has been rather well for him. He also has been able to cook again which he enjoyed back in his old world. However, he wasn't able to do his things since Kyoko watched him closely and made sure he wouldn't get hurt. Of course, he didn't care that much but the more she did this, the more embarrassed he gets by it. School, however, was rather difficult with him being bullied every day but ignored them. Reiko and Jazmin were annoyed by the bullying as they were rather protective over him, Jazmin especially.

Time flew by as a year roughly went by as he was the age of six, reading a book under a tree outside. He continued to read his book for a while until he reached a good stopping point.

Y/N: Guess I'll call it here. Said closing the book. Most of the books in this world are the same back home. Never would've imagined that this is the same world but with furries.

There have been times when they would go out to do some shopping and do various things. Y/N was amazed to see that this world was more or less the same such as the technology and other things. Gaming was a bit behind but still was the same but with the characters, furries, and some titles were changed slightly. He asked if he could have a gaming PC which Kyoko was surprised about this but bought him one of the best ones on the market on the condition that he would let her spoil him whenever they were home. As much as he hated it, he reluctantly agreed to this which Reiko wanted in on.

Y/N: I seriously hope that she doesn't keep dotting on me as she has been. Said as he sighs. I don't know if I'll be able to handle it as I grow older.

He got up and stretched after sitting for a rather long time. Once he was done, he grabbed his book and started to head home. It took him a little bit as he heard someone training in the main hall. Curious, he made his way there as she saw Jazmin doing some training on her own. She was really into her training as she was a serious type of person when it comes to training. He watched her train for a bit leaping from the rafters until she misplaced her footing and started to fall. Seeing this, he dropped the book and leaped into the air catching her. After catching her, he landed on the floor and looked at her.

Y/N: Are you ok?

Jazmin's face was rather embarrassed as she looked down with her hair covering her eyes nodding quietly. Y/N set her down as she quickly ran off which confused him.

Y/N 'thought': Was it really that embarrassing? Eh, whatever. As long she didn't hurt herself I'm happy.

???: Y/N!!!!!

Without missing a beat, he easily avoided the tackle and threw her outside and into the pond. There was a loud splash as he sighed while he turned around. He simply sighed as he looked at the pound. Reiko came up from the water as she was not happy with Y/N pouting at him.

Reiko: What was that for!!!

Y/N: You deserved it. Plus, you were rather loud if you were trying to sneak up on me.

Reiko: Why do you have to be so mean!!

Y/N: Why do you have to be so annoying?

Reiko grew more annoyed with him as he looked at her. Despite this, Y/N didn't really mind it as it was something that made Reiko who she is, a clingy sister who loves her brother a bit too much. Though, since they are not related by blood, who knows what will happen in the future? She leaped out of the water and tried to hit him with a kick which he blocked. He was surprised at how much force was behind it before she followed up with another attack as they started to spar.

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