Chapter 16

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Once he got back to class, he finished the rest of the school day like he normally does while barely paying attention. He did pay attention to history class slightly since that was the only part of the school he enjoyed. When the school day finished, he headed directly home and got ready to do his training. After he got his things he headed to his secluded spot and got started with his usual training methods. While he did his training, he felt that someone was watching him but couldn't tell from where. He finished his tree climbing training as he was getting better at it slowly becoming second nature to him.

Just as he was about to head back, he felt that his surroundings seemed to distort slightly which caught his attention. Suddenly, he heard something snap causing him to be on high alert as he grabbed his greatsword. He scanned his surroundings ready to fight whoever or whatever was nearby.

Y/N: Come out!!!! I know you're there!!!! I'm not afraid of whoever you are!!!!

???: Hehehehe, is that so? I hope you do not regret it, child.

His grip tightened as he readied himself for whoever or whatever that just spoken to him. Loud stomping sounds could be heard which caught his attention. He braced himself as the sound drew closer to him while scanning his surroundings. The branches on the tree shook as some of the leaves fell from them. Slowly, something started to come from the forest and the first thing he noticed was white colored fur. At first, he couldn't see what exactly it was but it soon emerged from the tree line as Y/N's eyes widen in utter shock.

Compared to an average wolf size, this one was much larger

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Compared to an average wolf size, this one was much larger. The best comparison he could compare this giant wolf to was to that of a large two-story house that could easily destroy it.

Y/N 'thought': Y-You got to be fucking KIDDING ME!?!?!?!?! JUST WHAT THE FUCK ELSE DOES THIS FUCKED UP WORLD HAVE!?!?!?!?

???: Hehehehe, surprised? Don't try to deny it. Your scent is telling me that you're scared.

Y/N: Oh shut up!! Like I need to hear it from a giant wolf beast!!

???: That so? So you don't know who I am?

Y/N: Aside from some giant wolf beast? No, I don't know nor do I care. Now what the hell do you want!!

???: Quiet arrogant are you? You are either foolish or just stupid.

Y/N: And you're just a giant fleabag who doesn't shut up.

???: Silence brat!! You dare speak to me that way!!


The giant wolf barked at Y/N before charging at him. Y/N quickly dove out of the way just in time as the wolf ran passed him. He rolled on the ground a bit before getting back to his feet ready to fight it. However, when he looked back at where the wolf was, it was gone.

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