Chapter 28

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The clashing of steel rang throughout the forest as the leaves waved in the wind. Several tree branches swayed causing some of the leaves to fall off and float to the ground. As to what is causing this, the answers can be found in the training field of the Cerinia estate. On said training field, Arrei was watching her daughter spar against Y/N, who was able to hold his own against her. They clashed back and forth with intensity and ferocity as both of them were giving each other intense glares. Each time their weapons clashed, small gusts of wind appeared as some of the animals were blown back by it but not far. Arrei watched the sparring match continue as she noticed how fast and nimble Y/N was while being able to counter Krystal in rapid succession.

Arrei 'thought': He is quite skilled. Not to mention he is ambidextrous.

Krystal launched a barrage of spear thrusts as Y/N rapidly deflected them with ease. Y/N dashed towards her clashing his sword against her spear. Krystal held him back for a bit but Y/N knocked her off her feet and slammed his palm on her stomach. She grunted as she skidded back a good distance using her spear to stop herself. Y/N spun the sword in his hand as he blitzed towards her swinging his sword in an upward motion. Krystal avoided it backflipping as she threw her hand back summoning an ice spear which shocked Y/N.

Krystal: Try this!!! Throwing the spear.

Y/N spun his sword before slashing the ice spear in two straight down the middle. Arrei and Krystal were shocked by this as the side of the ice spear struck in different parts of the sparring area.

Y/N: Like something that shitty is gonna work on me!!

His eyes shined as he quickly closed the distance cocking his right arm back then threw a pucnh. Krystal blocked the punch with her spear as Y/N smirked. Before she knew why, Y/N grabbed the spear and slid his foot knocking her off balance. With her off balance, he lifted her over his head slamming her onto the ground. Krystal grunted in pain as she tried to get up but couldn't. Y/N pinned her spear on her throat as he rested his knee on her stomach, pinning her to the ground. He raised his sword ready to deliver the killing blow but stopped as the match was over. Krystal was shocked that she had lost to him as it was rather hard to believe. Arrei was surprised as well as this was quite a surprise.

Arrei 'thought': Well this is quite interesting. It seems like he is a lot stronger than I had originally thought. Giggles. This will be a rather interesting summer.

Y/N glared at Krystal before slowly getting off of her.

Y/N: You deserve for what you got, damn fox. Next time, I'll check your damn head off.

Y/N walked to where the sheath was picking it up and putting the sword away. Krystal slowly sat up feeling utterly furious and humiliated after being defeated. Arrei walked towards them as she clapped her hands smiling.

Arrei: That was a very good match. It seems you're rather skilled for being able to win against Krystal.

Y/N: Whatever.

Arrei giggled as she looked at Krystal.

Arrei: Are you alright?

Krystal: I'm fine mother. Getting to her feet. I still can't believe that I lost.

Arrei: It's alright. To be honest, I thought you did very well against him. Besides, it seems you were enjoying yourself.

Krystal: Against him? Hardly.

Y/N: Aww what's wrong baby blue? Still pissed that I bet your sorry ass? Mockingly. Would a cup of some delicious tea to cheer you up?

Krystal glared at him rather annoyed while Arrei giggled.

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