Chapter 14

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After that day, things haven't been quite the same for everyone in the Usagi Household espically for Y/N. Despite everything he went through, he went back to school as he missed a month and a half but managed to catch up on every subject within two weeks. Reiko tried her usual antic of trying to tease him and make him smile, but none of them worked. Kyoko kept an eye on her whenever this happens to make sure nothing happened. Jazmin tried to stop her from doing so despite that she wanted to see Y/N back to his old self. However, nothing that Reiko did worked as it seemed to only annoy him further.

As for Y/N, he focused on his studies and threw himself into the most intense and rigorous training ever. Of course, he spent as much time as he could playing online games including playing with Qu33nRav. When he didn't have school, he would wake up at the crack of dawn and leave the house after making enough food for himself for the day along with taking a few training scrolls from the house. After leaving the house, he would head into the forest nearby and do all kinds of various training including tree climbing, sword techniques, and other physical exercises. Despite his knowledge of various shows such as Naruto, applying all that information was significantly harder than he had expected.

When he tried to do the tree-climbing exercise, he failed well over a thousand times just trying to get halfway up the tree. He went through several trees while practicing the tree-climbing and he didn't give up no matter how many times he failed. Sometimes he got rather angry with himself as he punched the nearby largest tree with his bare hands repeatedly. Whenever this happens, he goes for however long he could even if his knuckles bleed. Kumatetsu would always watch him from a safe distance, not saying anything watching Y/N do his training. He kept a close eye on him while telling Kyoko everything that Y/N was doing.

As for school, that was the most dangerous and worrisome time of day for Kyoko since she couldn't keep an eye on him. Jazmin helped her with that as best she could given that they are in different classes. Reiko helped out as well making sure nothing terrible ever happens. There have been a few close calls where some of the other students tried to bully him but ended badly for them. One time, in particular, Y/N almost strangled one of the bullies with his hands if it for Reiko and Jazmin stopping him. There were other incidents as well outside of school involving members from other gangs and a few minor thugs all of which made the mistake of trying to fight him. In nearly all the fights he got into, all those who tried to fight him met with a rather gruesome and deadly beat down as he killed a few gang members.

Time went on as they finished the rest of Junior High. After the ceremony was over, Reiko and Jazmin hung out with their friends while Y/N left almost immediately. Once he got home, he immediately gather several things from his room while gathering a couple of extra training scrolls to continue his training.

Kyoko: Going to do more training? Said walking into the hallway.

Y/N: Yeah. Said putting his shoes on.

Kyoko: Just try not to push yourself, alright?

Y/N didn't respond as he got up, grabbed his brag, and left the house. She watched him leave as she let out a sad sigh.

Kyoko: What am I going to do with him? Rather sad.

???: Still having trouble with him?

She looked behind her seeing Kumatetsu leaning against the wall.

Kyoko: No matter what I try, he just doesn't seem to listen.

Kumatetsu: Can't blame you. I mean, he was tortured for nearly two months by that Pinstripe bastard. Though you have to admit, that kid is something else. To be able to go back to school and get all caught up with all the work.

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