Chapter 26

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Y/N: Kyrstal Cerina?

Nikolai: That's right.

Vortex: Well this is interesting. Never thought we'd get to do another protection gig.

Y/N: Another? What, you did one before?

Vortex: Yeah for a noble owl family who could use demonic powers or whatever. Honestly, was a bit of fun but a massive pain to deal with.

Y/N: Sounds like it was such a fun time. Sarcastically. I'm just going to go out on a limb here and say, their daughter is going to act like a royal bitch demanding everything and will not take no for an answer, right?

Nikolai: Hehehe, no she isn't. The Cerina family is a rather benevolent one where they help the poor and give back to the city. Of course, they help ease the trouble of those who have some....mental issues.

Y/N: Uh huh. Whatever. When exactly are we heading out?

Nikolai: In a few hours. It'll only be the three of us along with Angela and a few others.

Vortex: So in total like 10 or so?

Nikolai: Tochno (exactly). We'll be working with the Cerina guards as well.

Vortex: I see. So we're going to be protecting them for the summer then?

Nikolai: More or less. We'll know more details when we arrive.

Y/N: That so?

Y/N leaned back as he jumped from his back onto his feet. Once he got to his feet, he cracked his neck while stretching it.

Y/N: Well I'll go hit the showers and be ready to go.

He walked past Nikolai and headed for the showers. Nikolai saw the weight lying on the ground along with the weights on the bench press.

Nikolai: Seems like you two were doing an intense workout.

Vortex: Mostly Y/N as I merely spotted him. Have to say, he's certainly an interesting one for sure.

Nikolai: Hehehehe, and I'm sure he'll make things more interesting later on.

Vortex: That so? I have a feeling that when he meets Nika, things will get rather....violent.

Nikolai: True but I'm sure everything will be fine. Speshite i bud'te gotovy. (Hurry and get ready.)

Vortex: Khorosho. (Alright)

Vortex got up as he went to get a bag ready for their new job. Y/N entered the shower area where he cleaned himself off allowing the hot water to wash over him and allowing his muscles to relax. He let out a relaxing sigh as he rested his head on the wall.

Y/N: This feels rather nice.

???: Hehehehe, seems like you're enjoying yourself after that rather intense workout.

He glared at the small puddle of water below him as Zangetsu appeared smirking at him.

Zangetsu: I wonder how things will be when those rabbits discover what you're doing? Chuckling. Maybe I should kill them when the chance arrives!!

Y/N: Like hell, I'll let you take over my body asshole.

Zangetsu: That so? So you believe that you can prevent me from taking over? THAT'S UTTERLY LAUGHABLE!!!

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