Chapter 25

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Clockwerk: Your poor little boy hasn't returned home yet? How unfortunate. However, it is to be expected after the information I shared with him. After all, his mind has been fairly shattered and may never recover.

Kyoko: Just what are you talking about? Irritated. What the hell did you tell him?

Clockwerk: Hehehe, getting defensive over a child that isn't even related to you by blood or appearance. Just what do you plan on doing once you find him? Comfort him, telling him everything will be alright?  How many times will you do that knowing it will not help him? You only end up hurting him even more.

Loona: SHUT UP ASSHOLE!!!! Shouting in anger. JUST WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU WANT WITH HIM!?!?!?!

Clockwerk: Demanding answers from me when you failed to stop him last night. Do you have time to demand answers when you failed to protect him as you promised, Loona? Of course, I could ask that very same question to the two little rodents, Jazmin and Reiko. You two were in the same classes in middle school yet you did nothing to help him.

Loona growled in anger as Reiko and Jazmin were also furious.

Clockwerk: I'm curious to know how long you plan to shield that child. It's quite clear that a vast number of people despise him and very much want him gone from this world.

Kyoko: No they don't.

Clockwerk: Oh but I do. My knowledge vastly surpasses that diminutive mind of yours along with every single specimen on this planet. Do you even know what he is or where he came from? Chuckling in amusement. I could tell you but then again that would take the fun out of it.

Kyoko: Why the hell should I even ask you? I know what he is.

Clockwerk: Do you? Is that what you truly believe? That the current head of the renowned Usagi Clan, be the parent of a pest from a bygone era? A relic from an ancient past?

Reiko: What are you talking about?

Jazmin: Stop spouting nonsense and tell us what you did with him!!

Kyoko: ENOUGH!!!!

Clockwerk: Hehehehe why should I? His presence here in this world is nothing more than a nuisance that needs to be purged.


Loona was about to lung and destroy the TV but Kyoko stopped her grabbing her shoulder tightly.

Kyoko: Calm down Loona. Sternly.

Loona: I can't!!

Clockwer: Hehehehe, how amusing. It's rather entertaining to see your reactions to a small insect like that child. I wonder how you would be if that boy never existed in the first place? Perhaps, killing him would prove to be an excellent form of entertainment for me.

Reiko and Jazmin were utterly furious hearing this as was Loona who unleashed some of her HellHound Flames. Kyoko glared intensely at Clockwerk through the TV.

Clockwerk: Oh? Seems like I struck a nerve, didn't I Kyoko?

Kyoko: If you so much as lay a finger on him, I swear.

Clockwerk: Your threats are nothing more than words, Kyoko. Merely wasted breath that falls flat.  It doesn't matter how many clans of shinobi there are, none of you can stop me. The last time I dealt with your clan, your tools and techniques were practically worthless. Even now I highly doubt that whatever techniques you have will be able to do anything to me.

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