Chapter 11

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After sparing with Jin, Y/N fell asleep for a whole day given that he was completely exhausted from that, and spent a whole night gaming. Jazmin was rather worried about him but Kyoko told her not to worry as she was sure he was going to wake up soon. She still felt rather worried but that changed as she had to make sure Reiko wasn't going to do anything to him while he slept. Eventually, he slowly started to wake up feeling the sunlight on his face.

Y/N: Damn sunlight. Just go away will ya?

He rolled to the side trying to get away from the sunlight. When he did so, his hand landed on something soft followed by a slight moan. This instantly causes his eyes to snap open as he had a decent idea of who it was.

Y/N 'thought': Don't fucking tell me.

He sat up before pulling the covers off of him finding Reiko in the same bed with him but only in her underwear. Seeing her in his bed, Y/N was more than just annoyed.

Y/N 'thought': T-This damn rabbit.  Why the HELL is she in my bed?!?!?!

Reiko slowly started to wake up as a yawn escaped her mouth while she sat up. After rubbing her eyes, she looked at Y/N with a smile.

Reiko: Morning N/N.

Y/N: Reiko, mind telling me what the hell are you doing in my bed?

Reiko: Hmm? Oh, I wanted to sleep in the same bed as you. Said smiling.

Y/N: Only in your underwear? Slightly annoyed.

Reiko: Why not? Would you prefer if I was nude~? Said with a smug smirk.

Y/N's eye twitched in annoyance hearing this.

Y/N: Do you want me to smack you senseless?

Reiko: Oh? Like on my but~?


He punched her on the bead rather hard leaving a rather large bump.

Y/N: Now get the hell out of my room.

Reiko: Ow!!! Why do you have to be so mean? Whining as she held her head.

Y/N: Because I have to deal with a sister who's a massive pervert.

Reiko: Oh you're no fun. Pouting at him.

Y/N: Don't care. Now would you [please get your furry ass out of my room, now.

Reiko: Why should I? We can have a bit of fun~.

She slowly started to crawl towards him with a seductive smirk while Y/N panicked slightly.

Y/N: Reiko knock it off! Get out of my room!!

Reiko: Oh why do you have to be so pushy? Pouts at him. Can't we have a little bit of fun?


Reiko: I DON'T WANNA!!!!


Reiko: YOU CAN'T MAKE ME!!!!

Sure enough, the two of them wrestled in his room trying to one-up the other creating quite a bit of noise. They went back and forth for a few minutes before they fell onto the ground with Y/N on top of Reiko. He was rather embarrassed being on top of her as was she until she had a smug look on her face.

Reiko: Hoo~? Like being on top?

Y/N: W-Wh-WHat?! N-No I don't!!

Reiko: So you like being on the bottom~?

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