Chapter 19

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Over the next week, Y/N and Loona continued with their punishment of cleaning the Scroll Locker and meal duty. Each time Loona wanted to talk to him, she tried asking him something but he hardly answered. Other times, she was about to talk to him but stopped seeing that he wasn't in the mood to talk. Y/N continued with his training, as he decided to get started with his training on trying to master the Rasengan. From his knowledge of what he saw in the show, it was going to be a rather lengthy process. The first thing he needed was plenty of water balloons and his first step was to pot it while making the water spin.

After he finished his usual training, he approached the large basket filled with water balloons ready to get started.

Y/N: Alright. Time to get started with this training.

He grabbed one of the water balloons and took to the side of it as he closed his eyes, clearing his mind. While he did this, Jazmin was watching him from behind one of the trees rather curious as to what he was doing.

Jazmin 'thought': What is he trying to do with those?

After a few moments, Y/N opened his eyes as he held his hand out in front of him holding the water balloon. He placed his other hand on top of it as he tried to make the water spin by using his chakra. At first, nothing happened but slowly, the water balloon started to expand in multiple directions.

Y/N: C-Come on. J-Just gotta..keep going. I-I just...have to get it to...pop!!

He focused his chakra more trying to make the water spin even more in multiple directions. Jazmin continued to watch from a distance rather intrigued by what he was doing. After a few moments, Y/N collapsed to his hands and knees, dropping the water balloon and gasping for air.

Y/N: You got to be kidding me. Catching his breath. I couldn't fucking pop it.

As he was trying to catch his breath, he slowly got to his feet looking at the water balloon that was on the ground in front of him.

Y/N: I don't care if I'm a damn idiot or whatever. If I can get this done, then I'll have an advantage over everyone I fight.

He picked up the water balloon and tried it again. Jazmin didn't know what to do as she continued to watch her brother do his rather odd training.  As Y/n continued to try popping the balloon, he failed repeatedly and he slowly started to get utterly irritated with this.

Time flew by as the sun was starting to set over the horizon. Y/N was lying on his back utterly exhausted gasping for air and sweating up a massive storm.

Y/N: F-Fucking..hell. This training is such a damn PAIN IN THE ASS!!!!!

He slowed his breathing as best he could feeling that he could hardly move.

Y/N: This damn training is gonna a massive fucking pain until I complete it. Though I can't keep complaining. I gotta get through this no matter what.

He rolled onto his stomach as he tried to push himself up to his knees. Just trying to do this was already difficult to do alone much less trying to get to his feet. His entire body was utterly sore as just moving one part of his body, even just a little bit, was difficult. Luckily he was able to get onto one knee which already took a lot out of him. Right before he was going to push himself onto his feet, someone offered him a hand which he saw. Looking up, he saw that it was Jazmin with a rather concerned look on her face.

Jazmin: Here. Let me help you.

He didn't say anything as his breathing was still a bit heavy. Slowly he moved his hand to hers as Jazmin thought he was going to take it but he smacked her hand away.

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